yes…………….The employeeswhose revised emoluments on 31.03.20 4 exceeded Rs.22,OOO/-p.m.
but during the year 2013-2014 their emoluments at ast for six months were less
than Rs.22,000/- p.m. i.e. the said emoluments exc eded the eligibility ceiling of
Rs.22,00C/- p.m. on account of promotion, drawal of increment, implementation of
C.A. Scheme, enhancement of dearness allowance e c. after remaining less than
Rs.22,000/- p.m. for at least six months, will be entitled to ad-hoc bonus of
Rs.3,000/- per head under this order. t iii, The employees who were in service on 31.03.2014 an rendered at least six months
continuous service during the year 2013-2014 will be ligible for payment of ad-hoc
bonus under this order. I
Pro-rata payment will be admissible in such cases Ito the eligible employees for
periods of’continuous service during the year rangingI from six months to full year,
the eligibilityperiod being taken in terms of number ofrmonths of service (rounded of
to the nearest number of months). A fraction of 15 da s or more should be counted
as one month.