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Does a HM can call a MC meeting ..?? If not who r only designated to call a MC meeting ?
According to my knowledge in general an H.M. cannot call an M.C. meeting. Generally secretary of M.C. can call for a meeting. In some cases president of the M.C. can call for a meeting in emergency cases in a notice in 24 hours. But what is happenning with you madam?
saij is right
is there no provision for HM to call an MC MEETING ??
As you asked Mr. saibal Jana , I am In a serious confrontation with my school authority regarding my application for pursuing BEd on deputation.I have completed 5 yrs of my service and this year I put my application for BEd training in the month of Sept. At that time our MC was expired and we were for waiting for the due extension applied for. After getting the extension the school was least interested to call an MC meeting on the agenda of our BEd training because some of the other senior teachers were very sure from some reliable source that this year BEd will be on ODL mode.So no need for approval for deputation .We have to literally fight against the ill motive of some senior teachers and the secretary of MC . Me and my HM met the DI and he instructed us to process for BEd as normal deputaion vacancy until notice comes for ODL and I arranged with the HM to call for a MC meeting. After the meeting was over and the resolution was about to be prepared , HM overheard that our secretary was telling to one of our TR that the meeting is actually invalid as it was called by the HM .I am in big gang of ill-wishers in the school and it seems my last sort is a legal procedure. The TRs in MC and the secretary simply ignoring any G.O. I refer in this matter . OUr HM is somewhat novice and she also faces dilema in taking decisions. Please suggest if i need to take legal help.
Who sign the said MC meeting call book?
HM signed it ……….
No sorry. The process is wrong.
In this case the H.M cannot call the meeting.
If there is any special case and secretary will deny to call MC meeting, then the members can request president to call a meeting, if he fails to do so with in 10 days, then the members (not less than half of the total members) can call a meeting themselves with a notice of 7 days.
In this case, the secretary will have to call a meeting keeping one of the agenda about the fact or as misc. But H.M can not call for a meeting. Without the consent of M.C., H.M. cannot send you for the course of B.Ed.
in all cases you need quorum for a meeting.
I cannot understand, why your H.M. called for an M.C. meeting, as he has no such power. Sorry to say at least I cannot help you. Sorry.
I think, when the time comes for election of the guardian category, then all the members including TR and Non-TR members are called by the H.M. by the registered post to approve (1) the provisional and (2) final voter list,then the meeting is presides by the H.M. Again, when the time comes for Office Bearer Election, then H.M. called all the elected/nominated members by registry post and presides over the meeting till to the election of President. Therefore I want to say that after the declaration the date of election, all the meetings presides by the H.M. This is good to remember that H.M. is the Joint Secretary of the said committee.
Thanks to all.