Please help me about a matter regarding admission of students in our school for the session 2015-2017 in the ‘commerce’ stream.Our school has the permission of subjects like Accountancy, BEBM, ECO-GEO, Business organization. For the last few years students are not interested in this stream but this year lots of students want to get admission in this stream.Hence, arises a problem.Eco-Geo and B.O are not in the new syllabus pattern( Set-II).
There is no problem for the subject ‘Accountancy’.Besides, as we have ‘science stream’ running, we have no problem to offer ‘Mathematics’ to the students..But problem arises on the 3rd optional elective.
We would like to offer ‘Environmental Studies’ and ‘Business Studies’ to our students. For that what should we do at present?Some teachers are agreed to teach ENVS. Students are asking for subjects like ‘Nutrition’ ‘Political Science’ etc.but we have no permission.Besides, in Council’s ‘Act & Regulation’/Admission column (page no-14-15) there is a reference of ‘Non-Taught subjects’, is this still applicable?Could we provide above subjects to our students as ‘non-taught’ basis(if they give declaration)? In such case another question is who will examine their exam papers?please help urgently.