No. 501-GR. Calcutta., Dt. 20th February, 1996
The Directorate of Employment under the Labour Department, Govt. of West Bengal functions throughout the whole of West Bengal and has District Employment Exchanges, Regional Employment Exchanges in different Districts and Sub-Divisions etc. as well as project Employment Exchange at Haldia, Dist. Midnapore, belong manned by Officer/a staff belonging to Group-A, B, C, D. Periodical transfer of officers and staff from the one station to another is imperative for the maintenance of the required standard of efficiency in the public service. Subsequent to the communication of the proposed transfer policy by this Department to the Director of Employment, Government of West Bengal in this Department Memo no. 1155-GE. by the Government in all aspects.
The Governor is, therefore, hereby pleased to frame superseding all communication previously issued from this Department, the policy of transfer of the officer/staff belonging to Group A,B,C,D working under the Directorate of Employment Government of West Bengal hereinunder:-
1. Timing of Transfer: The routine transfer of officer and staff shall be made as far as possible around the beginning of the academic year provided transfers warranted by exigency of public service and/or at every state of movement to higher position by transfer/promotion shall be made in any point of time throughout the year.
2. Tenure of posting: Tenure of posting in any of the station viz. Darjeeling, Jalpaiguri, Coochbehar, Malda, North Dinajpur and South Dinajpur will normally be three years while that in any of the other stations will normally be five years.
3. (a) The Officer/staff belonging to Group ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ and on their initial appointment and at every state of movement to higher position by transfer/promotion shall be posted in any station throughout West Bengal in the interests of public service.
(b) Group ‘D’ Employees: Transfer of Group ‘D’ employees may be considered in the exigencies of public service provided that such transfer should be made as that the transferred employees can attend his/her new place of posting from his/her usual place of residence.
4. Notwithstanding anything provided for hereinabove the competent authority for transfer shall, while transferring any officer/staff, take into active consideration of the following cases:
a) Posting of husband and wife in stations on commutable distance to the extent possible.
b) Posting of physically handicapped person in stations on commutable distance from office to place of residence as far as possible.
This order will take immediate effect.
By order of the Governor,
Sd/- C R Das
Jt. Secy. to the Govt. of West Bengal.
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