The State Government has been considering a new promotion policy for the officers belonging to West Bengal Public Health & Administrative Service (WBPH&AS) to ensure better Cadre management and better delivery of health care services.
Government of West Bengal Health & Family Welfare Department Swasthya Bhawan, GN-29, Sector – V, Bidhannagar, Kolkata – 700091
The State Government has been considering a new promotion policy for the officers belonging to West Bengal Public Health & Administrative Service (WBPH&AS) to ensure better Cadre management and better delivery of health care services.
I am directed by the order of the Governor to say that the Governor is pleased to adopt the policy as set out in paras (1)-(9) below for the promotion of WBPH&AS Officers. I am directed further by the order of the Governor to say that the Governor is also pleased to order that this new Promotion Policy shall supersede all orders made in this respect in the past.
1. The seniority position of all officers belonging to the cadre should be made available as early as possible in the official website of the Department so that all officers may know their respective position in the seniority list.
2. Vacancy position in the posts, i.e., in the rank of ACMOH, Dy. CMOH, CMOH/ADHS, DDHS, Jt. DHS, Addl. DHS, Jt. Secretary (MA) and Dy. Secretary (MA) as may occur on 1st June and 1st December every year shall be filled up twice in a year, i.e., in the months of June and December Vacancy arising in between will be filled up according to merit list of candidates prepared in the month of July and January, respectively.
3. A three member Departmental Promotional Committee is constituted with the following officers to deal with the promotion cases.
a. Director of Health Services, b. Special Secretary in charge of the Medical Administration Branch, c. Director of Medical Education.
4. Usual reservation policy be initiated by the State Government in this respect shall be applicable.
5. Criteria for promotion shall be as hereunder
a. seniority will be based on West Bengal Determination of Seniority Rules, 1981; b. date of joining in regular service will only be considered; c. seniority on promotion will be counted from the date of issuance of promotion order; d. generally, the period of service in the feeder post for at least one year shall be primary condition for promotion to the next senior post. However, if the period of service in the feeder post is less than one year but posts in higher tier remain vacant, promotion in higher tier may be considered in relaxation of the norm of “Service for one year in feeder post”. However, financial benefit of the higher tier, if any, shall be admissible only after one year from the date of joining in such feeder post; e. In case of any Officer promoted to higher post is not released to join the higher post in the interest of administration or for want of substitute, the officer will be deemed to have been promoted to the higher post from the date of issue of such promotion order. In such cases the officer will be entitled to the facilities of the promotional post including financial benefits in ex-officio capacity. However, the officer will not be entitled to such benefit if continues to remain in the lower post for his/ her own interest. Benefits of higher post in ex-officio capacity will be effective only after issue of order from appropriate authority on examination of the merit of the case.
6. A score sheet will be prepared for the purpose of promotion based in the following guidelines:
a. Maximum score for promotion up to the level of ADHS will be 80. Additional 20 marks will be awarded on the basis of performance in interview for promotion from the level of (1) ADHS to the level of Dy. DHS rank, (2) Dy. DHS rank to Jt. DHS rank and (3) Jt. DHS to Addl. DHS. b. Distribution of 80 marks:
Sl. No.
Maximum Marks
Total length of service from the date of regular joining. (Scoring will be on descending order and in case of tie seniority in age will be considered for higher position)
Length of service in Administrative Post since joining in such post (ad-hoc also) up to 19.08.2004. (Scoring will be on descending order and in case of tie seniority in age will be considered for higher position)
Length of service in WBPH&AS Cadre from 20.08.2004. (Scoring will be on descending order and in case of tie seniority in age will be considered for higher position)
a. Period of Service as Supdt. of DH & equivalent hospital/ CMOH. (more than 3 years) – 5 b. Superintendent of SDH/ SGH (for more than three years) – 3
Post Graduate qualification. Degree in any discipline for one time. – 4 Post Graduate qualification. Diploma in any discipline for one time. – 2
Those who served in the same administrative rank for five years or more without any promotion to next higher rank will get 2 points for every completed 5 years (maximum 6 points)
In case of a tie in total score seniority in age will be considered.
7. Vigilance clearance is a must for consideration of promotion.
8. Satisfactory ACR will be considered for promotion, but no weightage in marking for ACR will be considered. Officers with adverse ACRs will not be considered for promotion.
9. No application for promotion to higher posts for officers belonging to the posts of ADHS and above will be necessary.
Sd/- Sanjay Mitra Principal Secretary to the Government of West Bengal Health & Family Welfare Department