
Updation of Data in Samiksha on Fortnightly Basis

Public Works,

Any reluctance for incorporation of projects in the Samiksha and updation will be viewed seriously and strong action shall be taken against the responsible officers.

Government of West Bengal
Public Works Department
Planning Branch
‘NABANNA’ (8th floor)
325, Sarat Chatterjee Road, Howrah-711 102

No. 1M-15/16/1658-R/PL Dated: 19.12.2018


Sub: Updation of data in Samiksha on fortnightly basis.

Web and app based project monitoring system, known as Samiksha had been introduced for better management of all works of this Department two years ago. Reports for works of different Administrative Departments are now being sent to respective Departmental Head as well as to the concerned District Magistrate through “Samiksha” on the 1st day of every calendar month.

It is the basic duty of all Superintending Engineers and Executive Engineers of Public Works Department to enter the data in “Samiksha” of all projects immediately after issuance of Administrative approval irrespective of departmental own works or other departmental works and this data should be updated time to time as per progress of works/ other developments.

It was instructed vide this departmental Memorandum No. 1M-15/16/603-R/PL dated 14.05.2018 that in view of frequent monitoring requirements, the status of all projects in Samiksha should be updated by the division at fortnightly intervals. The first updation has to be done between 10th and 14th of the month and the second updation between 25th and last day of the month.

It is come to notice that incorporation of projects of other departments as well as own department and its updation are not being done timely and properly. Also same remarks are continuing month after month in spite of changes the situation.

This lackadaisical attitude should be stopped immediately and it is directed that Memorandum No. 1M-15/16/603-R/PL dated 14.05.2018 should be strictly followed by the all Executive Engineers and Superintending Engineers of PWD. Any reluctance for incorporation of projects in the Samiksha and updation will be viewed seriously and strong action shall be taken against the responsible officers.

This circular will take immediate effect.

Sd/- Arnab Roy
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Public Works Department

No. 1658-R dated 19.12.2018