
Prohibition of Use Microphone/ Loudspeaker during Examination

Environment, 👁️ 571

Prohibit the use of microphone or loudspeaker in residential areas or where educational institutions are situated three days prior to the commencement of Secondary and Higher Secondary Examination.

Government of West Bengal
Department of Environment
Writers’ Buildings
Block- G, 2nd Floor, Kolkata-700 001.

No. EN/326/T-IV-6/001/2007(Pt.-I), Dated the 5th February, 2013


In cancellation of all earlier orders regarding use of microphone or loudspeaker during Secondary and Higher Secondary Examination conducted by any Board or Council and in exercise of powers conferred by the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and the Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000, the Governor is pleased hereby to prohibit the use of microphone or loudspeaker in residential areas or where educational institutions are situated three days prior to the commencement of Secondary and Higher Secondary Examination conducted by any Board or Council and till completion of such examination and the use of such microphone or loudspeakers shall not be allowed that can substantially affect the examinees or the examinations.

The Governor is also pleased to direct that all District Magistrates, Superintendants of Police and Deputy Commissioner of Police, Kolkata, to comply with the order and in case of violation of this order by any person or organization, immediate steps shall be taken in accordance with law by the West Bengal Pollution Control Board, West Bengal Police, Kolkata Police and District Authorities.

This order will come into force immediately and remain in force for aforesaid examinations in subsequent years also, until further order.

By order of the Governor,

Sd/- Trilochan Singh
Addl. Chief Secy. to the
Govt. of West Bengal.

No. EN/326 dated 05.02.2013, Source

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