Please,go through the WBSR Part-I 42 (b) i
Who is posting such baseless orders in the name Anonymous?
Have you any idea on Memo No-269-SE(Pry.),dated-16/04/1996?
Teacher and non-teaching employees whose pay is fixed in any of the revised pay scales of pay shown in serial numbers 1 to 12 scales of pay under ROPA, 98, and who has not got a single promotion/ advancement to a higher scale in the same post even after completion of 18 yearsβ continuous and satisfactory service shall be placed in the next higher scale of pay, his/her designation remaining unchanged.
The term “Assistant Teacher” encompasses educators in both primary and secondary schools, indicating a standardized nomenclature within the WBSED.
While the designation “Assistant Teacher” might be administratively uniform under WBSED, the contextual use often specifies levels (e.g., “Assistant Teacher (Primary)” or “Assistant Teacher (Secondary)”) for operational clarity.
Both primary and secondary school Assistant Teachers fall under the same overarching administrative authority and abide by the same Rules of Pay and Allowances (ROPA).
Both categories of Assistant Teachers are governed by the same administrative framework, ensuring uniformity in service conditions and career progression.
If the nomenclature of the post is same, then there will be no bar to get Pay fixation and to get career progression benefit.
It’s not correct.Memo No-1702-G.A., dated 19/06/1990, issued by the then Director of School Education, is considered obsolete in this context, as it has been superseded by the provisions outlined in Memo No-269-SE (Pry.),date- 16/04/1996 which addresses the updated procedures for pay fixation and incremental benefits for eligible teaching staff.
o i). Para 7 of G.O No. 492(6)-Edn.(B), dated 26/10/1981, issued by the School Education Department, Government of West Bengal.
o ii). Memo No. 269-SE(Pry.), dated 16/04/1996, particularly Sections 2, 2(b), 2(c), and 3.
o iii). Memorandum No. 30-SE(B)/5B-1/2009, dated 10/02/2010, specifically addressing Points of Doubt
o iv). Provisions under the NCTE Act, 1993, Section 12(A).
o v). Relevant clauses of the West Bengal Services (Revision of Pay and Allowance) Rules.
Government of West Bengal
School Education Department, Primary Branch.
Memo No.-269-SE(Pry.) dated- 16/04/1996
To: The Director of School Education.
Sub: Protection and fixation of pay of Teacher of an approved Non-Govt. aided/Govt.
Ref: Deputy Director of School Education (Basic)’s notes dated 29.11.94
The undersigned is directed to say that the question of protection and fixation of pay of an approved teacher of a recognized Non-Govt. aided/Govt. sponsored educational institution who later joins another recognized Non-Govt. aided/Govt. sponsored educational institution in an approved post through proper channel has been under consideration of the Govt. for sometime past.
2. After careful consideration, the Governor is now pleased to allow protection and fixation of pay of a teacher of an approved Non Govt. aided/Govt. sponsored educational institution viz. Primary/Junior High/Secondary/Higher Secondary school/Madrasah/Primary Teachers’ Training Institute, who is appointed as a Teacher/Head Teacher/Headmaster/Asstt. Headmaster/Lecturer/Principal, as the case may be, in the same or higher scale of pay, against an approved post in another approved non-Govt. aided/Govt. sponsored educational institution in the following manner.
(a) When the new post does not carry duties and responsibilities of greater importance, the pay shall be fixed at the stage of the time scale which is equal to his/her in the old post, or if there is no such stage, at the stage next below the existing pay in the former post plus personal pay, equal to the difference between the old pay and the pay now allowed, to be absorbed in subsequent increases in pay in the new post.
(b) When the latter post carries duties and responsibilities of greater importance than those attached to the former post hold by the increment, the pay shall be fixed in the time-scale of the new post in the manner as laid down in para 7 of G.O No. 492(6)-Edn.(B) dated 26.10.81 issued by this Department.
(c) The date of increment in the former case shall remain unaltered and in the latter case it shall be on completion of one full incremental period.
3. Fixation of pay as indicated in the proceeding para shall be made provided that there is no break-in-service between leaving the former post and joining the better post, reasonable journey-time being not treated as break-in-service.
4. The Dist. Inspector of Schools shall be required to move the Director of School Education for pay-fixation in the above manner.
5. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance Department Group βPβ (Pay) vide U.O No. 2068 of Group P (pay) dated 4.12.95
6. The Principal Accountant General, West Bengal and Finance Department of this Government are being informed.
7. All concerned may also be informed accordingly.
sd/ S.Som (Joint Secretary