Specific direction by the School Education Department regarding programs, activities are good. Observing these will definitely impart knowledge among students. So, lets hope the programme to be a grand success.
Here is the order No. 573-SE(Pry)/10R-1/99 dated 15.09.2011.
10: West Bengal Health Scheme is for State Govt. Employees and State Govt. Pensioners. This is not yet implemented for the teachers.
Yes. Only one account is necessary which can be operated as "Either or Survivor" Mode.
7: Yes Off Course. If your parents are dependent on you.
The previous office records of promotion is also to be considered as per the rules regarding reservation in service/ promotion. For limited number of candidates it will be hard to implement the act. Decisions of the higher authority is inevitable.
He is not entitled to get the cost of follow up medicine for heart disease except cardiac surgery.
Cost of one time treatment in OPD should be reimbursed. Indoor/ OPD treatment must be mentioned in Form – D by the treating Specialist. In case of Indoor treatment counter signature of Medical Superintendent is essential. Necessary declaration by the Pensioner in Form – C is sufficient. In case of Indoor treatment the pensioner claimed 11300/- as Coronary Angiography (1 day's package). As per revised rate list the new rate for the item will be 11700/-. No other charges as claimed by the pensioner is admissible. Because approved package rate is inclusive of all other charges (18 nos.) as mentioned in the Scheme. He may thus be granted Rs. 11300/- only.
5: As per Rule 5 of the above order, "As in the last year orders for grant of ad-hoc bonus in respect of the employees of Statutory Bodies/ Local Bodies/ State aided Non Government Educational Institutions and such other categories of employees of various establishments, who were allowed ad-hoc bonus/ ex-gratia at par with the State Government employees or at the rate not more than Rs. 2100/- per head as approved by the Government in the last year". Have you got bonus in the last year?
if you are from Kolkata please visit this link.
4: A State Govt. Pensioner/ family pensioner seeking enrolment under the West Bengal Health Scheme, 2008 shall exercise option in Form No-I in duplicate along with an undertaking that upon enrolment under the Scheme such Pensioner/ Family pensioner shall forgo the regular medical relief drawn along with monthly pension.
The option shall be submitted to the Pension Sanctioning Authority. The Pension Sanctioning Authority after scrutinizing the option exercised by the pensioner shall issue a certificate of enrolment in Form-II in favour of the Pensioner/ Family pensioner to be effective from the first day of the month following the month in which the certificate is issued.
The Pension Sanctioning Authority shall send one copy of the certificate to the concerned Pay and Accounts Office/ Treasury with a direction to discontinue the drawal of regular medical relief with effect from the first day of the month following the month in which the certificate is issued.
For relevant orders and necessary Forms please follow the link to download.