
Filling up of Vacancy of D.El.Ed. Course from Wait-list

School Education,

HOI are authorized to fill up vacant seats on first come first serve basis by the eligible intending candidates and upload the testimonials within 11.09.2017.

West Bengal Board of Primary Education
“Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan”
DK 7/1, Sector II, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700091

No. 2403/BPE/2017 Date: 05/09/2017


The Heads of the D. El. Ed. institutions are hereby notified that the names of the candidates who have withdrawn or cancelled their admission/studentship for the Session-2017-2019, should be stricken out from the list of admitted students. The Heads of the DIETs, Government, Government Sponsored and Government Aided P. T. T. Institutes are hereby authorised to fill up all such vacant seats except in-service category seats immediately from the wait-listed candidates on the basis of merit. The Heads of self-financed institutes are also authorised to fill up such vacant seats on first come first serve basis by the eligible intending candidates and upload the testimonials of such newly admitted candidates within 11/09/2017.

The registration numbers of all the admitted students as per the list to be approved by the Board (institute wise) will be generated and sent to the Heads of all D. El. Ed. Institutes online for the Session-2017-2019 on and from 12/09/2017. The Heads of the institutes after having received the list of admitted students will collect the registration fees @ Rs. 600/- (Rupees six hundred) only per student and pay the same to the Board online for the registration certificates.

The date of distribution of Printed Registration Certificates among the Heads of the institutes will be notified in due course.

Sd/- Dr. R. C. Bagchi

No. 2403/BPE dated 05.09.2017

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