
Vehicles and Vessels for conducting Assembly Election, 2016


Requisitioning of vehicles and vessels is necessary for the purpose of the conduct of the General Election to West Bengal Legislative Assembly, 2016, comprising 294 Assembly Constituencies.

Government of West Bengal
Transport Department
Paribahan Bhawan
12, R.N. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata – 700 001

No. 1086-WT/3M-10/2011 Date: 11.03.2016


WHEREAS, requisitioning of vehicles and vessels is necessary for the purpose of the conduct of the forthcoming General Election to West Bengal Legislative Assembly, 2016, in the entire State of West Bengal comprising 294 Assembly Constituencies;

AND, WHEREAS, the Chief Electoral Officer, West Bengal has suggested this Department for taking necessary action in the matter;

NOW, THEREFORE, in exercise of power vested with the State Government under section 166 of the Representation of People Act, 1951, functions of the State Government with regard to requisitioning of vehicles and vessels as may be required for the purpose of the conduct of said election are delegated hereunder with the officers as mentioned in the Table below:


Sl. No.Name of the Officer delegatedJurisdiction
1.District MagistrateWhole of the District concerned
2.Returning Officer of Assembly ConstituencyAssembly Constituency falling under Kolkata
*2.(a)District Election Officer, Kolkata (North)A.C. No. 162,163,164,165,166,167 & 168: Total – 7 Assembly Constituencies
*2.(b)District Election Officer, Kolkata (South) and D.L.R.S., West BengalA.C. No. 158,159,160 & 161: Total – 4 Assembly Constituencies
*2.(c)District Magistrate, South 24 ParganasA.C. No. 149,150,152,153,154 & 157: Total – 6 Assembly Constituencies addition to normal District jurisdiction)

It is further notified that rates of hiring charges/ compensation in respect of vehicles and vessels requisitioned by the officers as delegated hereinabove will remain same as contained in this Department’s No. 1337-WT/3M-10/2011 dated 15.03.2014.

By order of the Governor

Sd/- Alapan Bandyopadhyay
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 1086-WT dated 11.03.2016

* Vide Corrigendum No. 1118-WT dated 14.03.2016