
Vocational Subjects Theoretical Exam will be held on 23.02.2016

Higher Secondary Education, 👁️ 159

Theoretical Examination of Vocational Subjects (Automobile/ IT & ITES/ Security/ Organized Retailing), conducted by WBCHSE will be held on 23.02.2016 (2 p.m. to 4 p.m.).

West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education
Vidyasagar Bhavan
9/2, Block DJ, Sector – II, Salt Lake

No. L/Secy/162/2015 Date: 03/10/2015


This is to notify that the Vocational Subjects (Automobile/IT & ITES/Security/Organized Retailing) under West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education have already been introduced.

The Theoretical Examinations will be conducted by the Council. The date of the same examination is 23/02/2016. Time duration of the said examinations will be of two hours (2p.m. to 4p.m.).

All institution concerned are requested to communicate the matter to the students concerned.

Sd/- Subrata Ghosh

No. L/Secy/162 dated 03.10.2015, Source