School Education, Para Teacher đī¸ 471
The nature of the service conditions of those presently working as VRPs redesignated as Primary level Para Teachers in Govt. aided primary Schools will be at par.
Government of West Bengal
School Education Department
Bikash Bhavan, Bidhannagar, Kolkata – 700 091
No. 455-SE(Pry)/PBSSM/Ped/36/07-08, dated 15-07-2011
After careful consideration of the present status of Voluntary Resource Persons (VRPs) working in Govt. aided Primary Schools (including recognized Madrasahs) under RTE – SSA Programme, as Para Teachers for Primary level of the concerned Govt. aided Primary Schools (including recognized Madrasahs).
2. Further, the working VRPs redesignated as Para Teachers (Primary level) of the concerned Govt. aided primary Schools (including recognized Madrasahs) will be included in the Primary level Para Teachers’ strength of the concerned Govt. aided primary schools (including recognized Madrasahs) through DISE data base from the year of 2011-12 and subsequently they will be taken into consideration for calculating Pupil Teacher Ratio (PTR) of the concerned Govt. aided primary Schools (including recognized Madrasahs).
3. The nature of the service conditions of those presently working as VRPs redesignated as Primary level Para Teachers in Govt. aided primary Schools (including recognized Madrasahs) will henceforth be at par with the exiting terms and conditions as mentioned for the working Para Teachers engaged in Govt. aided primary schools (including recognized Madrasahs) as detailed in earlier Government Orders issued from time to time.
4. The earlier orders pertaining to the VRPs engaged in Govt. aided primary schools (including recognized Madrasahs) hereby stands cancelled.
5. Appointment letters are to be issued as per G.O. No. 886-SE (Pry)/PBRPSUS/ADMN/9/04-05 (Pt. II) dated 16-11-2010 to the VRPs with designation as Para Teachers (Primary) as in the case of the existing Para Teachers.
This order will take immediate effect.
Jt. Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal