Finance, Washing/ Kit Maintenance Allowance
All categories of employees who are required to put on liveries while on duty, will get washing charge at the rate of Rs. 50/- per month provided it is duly certified by the Head of office that the concerned employees are actually wearing liveries regularly while on duty.
Washing/ Kit Maintenance Allowance will be admissible @ Rs. 70 per month with effect from 01.01.2020 after ROPA, 2019.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 11137-F, Dated: 18.12.2009
Sub: Washing/Kit maintenance Allowance.
Consequent upon the decision taken by the Government on the recommendations of the Fifty Pay Commission in respect of Washing/Kit maintenance charges which are now paid to the employees who have to wear liveries regularly while on duty, the Governor is pleased to order in supersession of Finance Department Memo No. 9708-F dated 28.10.1999, that all categories of employees who are required to put on liveries while on duty, will get washing charge at the rate of Rs. 50/- per month provided it is duly certified by the Head of office that the concerned employees are actually wearing liveries regularly while on duty.
(2) This order will take effect from the 1st December, 2009.
Sd/- S. K. Chattopadhyay
Special Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department