
Weekly Iron Folic Acid Supplementation and Deworming

School Education, 👁️ 265

Iron and Folic Acid supplements provided under this programme are given to the adolescent boys and girls, within its stipulated time frame. A report in this regard should be obtained from all Heads of the Institution on a monthly basis by concerned AIs/SIs and submitted to the DI (SE).


Memo No. 659/H Dated 19.12.2013


All the Jr./ High/ H.S Schools and Madrasah authorities under North 24 Parganas are hereby informed to implement the WIFS and de-worming programme in the schools the office memo vide no. S-20015/5/2011-SSM/92844 dated 07-12-2013 issued by the office of Hon’ble District Magistrate, North 24 Parganas is annexed herewith for guidance.

District Inspector of Schools (SE),
North 24 Parganas

No. S-20015/5/2011-SSM/92844 Date: 02.12.2013

1-2) The District Inspector of Schools (Secondary Education), North 24 Parganas/ Barrackpore
3) The District Inspector of Schools (Primary Education), North 24 Parganas.

Subject: Ensuring proper and intensive monitoring of School Health Programme.

A. Weekly Iron Folic Acid Supplementation (WIFS) and de-worming:

During discussion on the issues of school health the CMOH, North 24 Parganas, has reported an alarming issue that coverage of WIFS in our district is less than 30% up to this month. It was also revealed that you are the Key Person to implement this Government Programme. But it is very surprising as well as frustrating that neither you nor your machinery at sub-division or block level are playing any role at all to implement the programme. To redress this situation you are here by directed;

(i) to see that the Iron and Folic Acid supplements provided under this programme are given to the adolescent boys and girls, within its stipulated time frame. A report in this regard should be obtained from all Heads of the Institution on a monthly basis by concerned AIs/SIs and submitted to the DI (SE). He in turn must submit a consolidated report of the same to the SSM section of this office, North 24 Parganas, every month for onward submission to the undersigned.

(ii) Further it must be ensured that coverage of students for such medication should be achieved in the following manner:

Coverage of 70% of students by December 2013
Coverage of 80% of students by January 2014
Coverage of 100% of students by March 2014

B. Referral slip

(i) Often Referral Slips are issued by Doctors conducting School Health Programme. It should be ensured that students receiving such Referral Slips are being benefited out of such service. A close coordination shall have to be maintained with concerned students -their parents, Head of the Institutions, BMOH and BDOs in this regard.

C. Campaign on Immunization, Booster and Hand wash:

(i) All concerned must create adequate awareness/ sensitization among the beneficiaries and ensure achievement in respect of DT and TT Booster dose for students in the age group of 10 – 16 years and regular Immunization Programme for all students. Also successful implementation of Hand wash programme under Nirmal Vidyalaya Abhiyan must be achieved at its best.

D. Health Card Transfer:

It has been observed some time pass that students having Health Card getting transferred to a different school at the end of Class IV and Class VIII are not carrying those Cards to the new schools. All concerned must ensure that students having such Health Cards and gets transferred to a new school must accompany with him the said cards.

It has been heard that few officials like ADI, AI, and SIS have refused to participate in this noble programme. However it is once more reiterated that any official found unwilling to carry out any such assignments stated above will be looked upon very seriously and appropriate necessary stringent action will be initiated against such officials. You shall pass this message down the line and send follow up report as asked earlier.

This order takes immediate effect.

Additional District Magistrate (G)
North 24 Parganas

No. 659/H dated 19.12.2013

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