The method of, and the qualifications required for, the Special recruitment to the posts in the cadre of the West Bengal Audit and Accounts Service through the West Bengal Audit and Accounts Service (Special Recruitment) Examination, 2013.
Government of West Bengal Finance Department Audit Branch Writers’ Buildings, Kolkata – 700 001
No. 7196-F(Y) dated 09.09.2013.
In exercise of the power conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor is pleased hereby to make, with immediate effect, the following rules regulating the Special recruitment to the posts in the cadre of the West Bengal Audit and Accounts Service through an examination, namely, the West Bengal Audit and Accounts Service (Special Recruitment) Examination, 2013:
The method of, and the qualifications required for, the Special recruitment to the posts in the cadre of the West Bengal Audit and Accounts Service through the West Bengal Audit and Accounts Service (Special Recruitment) Examination, 2013, shall be as detailed below:
(1) Method of recruitment:
By direct recruitment through the West Bengal Audit and Accounts Service (Special Recruitment) Examination, 2013, to be conducted by the Public Service Commission, West Bengal, in accordance with the scheme and syllabus mentioned in the ANNEXURE;
(2) Qualifications for direct recruitment:
(a) Essential: Must have Bachelor’s degree in Commerce of a recognised University or must be a member of the Institute of the Chartered Accountants of India or must be a member of the Institute of Cost Accountants of India;
(b) Desirable: Preliminary Knowledge in Computer Operation;
(3) Age for direct recruitment:
Not less than twenty-one years and not more than thirty-two years on the 1st day of January of the year of advertisement. However, upper age-limit shall be relaxable for the candidates belonging to the Schedule Castes, the Schedule Tribes, the Other Backward Classes and the Persons with Disabilities as per existing rules.
Notes: (i) ‘Candidates suffering from blindness or low vision shall not be eligible to apply.
(ii) These rules regulating the Special recruitment to the posts in the cadre of the West Bengal Audit and Accounts Service shall be applicable for one time in respect of the said examination.
(iii) Other provisions relating to the direct recruitment and the Departmental Examination mentioned in this Department notification No. 6426-F dated 24.06.2004, published in the Kolkata Gazette, Extraordinary, Part I dated the 31st July, 2004, shall, mutatis mutandis, apply to the candidates selected under these rules.
(iv) Nothing in these rules shall be construed to be in derogation of the provisions of the rules regulating the recruitment to the posts in the cadre of the West Bengal Audit and Accounts Service issued under this Department notification No. 6426-F dated 24.06.2004, published in the Kolkata Gazette, Extraordinary, Part I, dated the 31st July, 2004.
1. Scheme of Examination:
The examination shall be comprise of multiple choice objective type questions consisting of two papers, viz Paper I and Paper II to and shall be held on a single day. Paper I shall consist of Group-A and Group-B.
2. Syllabus of Examination:
Syllabus for the subjects shall be framed by the Public Service Commission, West Bengal, in consultation with the Finance Department.
(a) Paper I will carry 200 marks having 200 questions of 1 (One) mark each on the following subjects:
Group – A
(1) English Comprehension
(2) General Knowledge, Current Affairs of National & International Importance, History of India and Indian National Movement, Geography, Reasoning.
(3) Constitution of India with special Reference to Planning Commission, Finance Commission, Finance, Accounts and Audit.
Group – B
(4) Business Mathematics and Statistics
(5) Accountancy
(b) Paper II will carry 200 marks having 200 questions of 1 (One) mark each on the following subjects:
(1) Business Laws
(2) Cost and Management Accountancy
(3) Principles and Practice of Management
(4) Taxation (Direct and Indirect)
(5) Auditing
(6) Business Economics and Indian Economics
Personality Test:
By order of the Governor,
Sd/ H.K. Dwivedi Principal Secretary to the Government of West Bengal