
West Bengal College Teachers (Security of Service) Act, 1975

Higher Education,

An Act to provide for the security of service of teachers of affiliated, constituent and Government Sponsored Colleges in West Bengal.

An Act to provide for the security of service of teachers of affiliated, constituent and Government Sponsored Colleges in West Bengal.

  1. Short title, extent and commencement
  2. Definitions
  3. Appointment of Teacher
  4. Letter of appointment of Teacher
  5. Probation
  6. Termination of service of temporary teacher
  7. Maintenance of Service Register
  8. Other duties of Teacher
  9. Penalty
  10. Communication of order imposing penalty
  11. Suspension of Teacher
  12. Appeal
  13. Power to Delegate
  14. Appellate Tribunal
  15. Bar to representation by legal practitioners
  16. Decision of the Tribunal to be final
  17. Compensation in case of injury or death of a teacher
  18. Modification of the existing terms and conditions of service
  19. Special provisions
  20. Power to make rules

Download: West Bengal College Teachers (Security of Service) Act, 1975

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