Amendment vide No. 446-MA dated 22.06.2018
No. 67/MA/O/C-4/3R-8/2002 Kolkata, the 14th day of February, 2007.
Part I
- Short title, application and commencement.
- Definitions.
Building in areas other than municipalities in hill areas
- Criteria of using a piece of land as a building site.
- Applications for approval of building sites and for permission to construct or reconstruct buildings other than huts.
- Further information required to be submitted by applicant.
- Incomplete or defective information.
- Signature on approved site plan.
- Control of development of parks, public open spaces, ponds, wetlands, canals, river and other water front and brick fields.
- Sub-division of plots in areas other than municipalities in hill areas.
- Masonry building not to be erected without special permission in certain cases.
- Application to the Board of Councilors with a building plan for permission; to erect a new building or to make addition or alteration to a building.
- Particulars to be furnished in, and with, an application.
- Specification and other information to accompany the application with building plan.
- Preparation of plan and supervision of execution of work in areas other than Municipalities in hill areas.
- Engagement of technical personnel in areas other than municipalities in hill areas.
- Duties and responsibilities of Architect and Licensed Building Surveyor.
- Duties and Responsibilities of Structural Engineers.
- Duties and Responsibilities of Geo-technical Engineers.
- Time and manner of disposal of application under rule 11.
- Action to be taken while a building is under construction.
- Sanction of building and permission to execute work.
- Building Permit (sanction for building construction plan).
- Duration and expiry of sanction of building plan.
- Fees for sanction of building plans.
- Stacking Fees.
- Signature of approved plans.
- Retention of plan and submission of fresh applications.
- Notice to the Board of Councilors before commencement of work.
- Prohibition of work at night.
- Notice for completion of work up to plinth level.
- Deviations during construction.
- Demolition of unauthorized construction.
- Completion of work.
- Occupancy certificate.
- Delay in issue of occupancy certificate.
- Prohibition of use of building without occupancy certificate.
- Work subsequent to issue of occupancy certificate.
- Notice for covering up drains, etc.
- Power of Board of Councilors to guard against accidents during construction or repairs.
- Power of Board of Councilors to cause hoards or fences to be set up during construction, repair, etc.
- Power as to inflammable structures.
- The structural design.
- Distance from electric lines.
- Rat-proofing.
Means of access, open space and parking space
- Rules for means of access in areas other than the Municipalities in hill areas.
- Ground coverage in respect of buildings in areas other than municipalities in hill areas.
- Addition of new plot.
- Linking of two blocks.
- Permissible height of buildings in areas other than municipalities in hill areas.
Open spaces
- Open spaces for building in areas other than municipalities in hill areas.
- Exemption related to Open Spaces calculations.
- Provision of parking space for a building within a plot in the areas other than municipalities in hill areas.
- Tall buildings (exceeding fourteen and a half meters in height).
- Regulation for more than one building in one plot, existing buildings and the buildings under Government approved schemes.
- Provisions regarding existing buildings.
- Provisions for buildings constructed under Government approved schemes.
Requirements of Parts of Buildings
- Plinth.
- Habitable room.
- Roof.
- Kitchen.
- Pantry.
- Bathroom and water closet.
- Lifts.
- Loft.
- Ledge or tand.
- Mezzanine floor.
- Service Floor.
- Store room.
- Garage.
- Basement.
- Chimney.
- Parapet.
- Boundary wall.
- Lighting and ventilation of room.
Exit Requirements of Buildings
- Definitions.
- Fire protection.
- General exit requirements.
- Arrangements of exits.
- Requirements regarding staircase.
- Minimum Width Provisions.
- Provision for doors for an assembly room or hall.
- Other requirements.
- Consultation with the Director of Fire Services before granting permission to erect a building.
- Power to Municipal Authority to ask for sufficient means of exits.
- Requirements of special occupancies under any other law in force.
Structural Design
- Structural design.
- Quality of materials and workmanship.
- Alternative materials, methods of design and construction.
- Tests.
Building and Plumbing Services
- Building services.
- Signs and outdoor display structures.
Provisions for Salt Lake Township within Bidhannagar Municipal Area and Nabadiganta Industrial Township
- Special provision.
- Administration.
- Definitions.
- Additional requirements for submission of building plan.
- Notice for an alteration only.
- Repairs.
- Deviation during construction.
- Fees.
- Part construction.
- Fees for sanction of revised plan or part plan.
- Constructions not according to plan under sub-rule (2) of rule 30 or sub rule (1) of rule 34.
- Cases of emergency.
- Means of access.
- Access to Dwelling Units and Rooms.
- Obligatory front space, minimum side spaces and back spaces for various categories of residential buildings.
- Open spaces with respect to covered area.
- Covered area.
- Projection.
- Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.).
- Maximum number of floor.
- Maximum number of flat per storey.
- Basement and floors underground rooms.
- Plinth regulation.
- Height regulation.
- Size of room.
- Lighting and Ventilation of rooms.
- Other requirements.
- Drainage of roofs.
- Water tanks and cisterns.
- Pipes and Fittings.
- Sinks.
- Privy.
- Flushing of connected privies and urinals.
- Syphon-trap and Anti-syphonage Pipe.
- Soil pipe for connected privies and connected urinals.
- Rain-water pipes.
- House Drainage.
- Instruction.
- Disconnection of sewer and water line for violation of rule.
- Architectural features.
- Maintenance.
- Verandah and Advertising Sign.
- Unfinished Buildings.
- Clearing of Site.
- Masts.
- Unsightly Materials.
- Sheet Metal and Barbed wire fences.
- Parks and Gardens.
- Decoration.
- Structural feature.
- Boundary wall.
- Staircase.
- Worship room/meditation room within staircase at roof.
- Asbestose Cement or Corrugated Iron sheet roofing to garage and staircase top,â
- Lofts.
- Parapet wall.
- Garage.
- Carriageway leading.
- Sewerage and water supply connections.
- Garbage disposal.
- Rules relating to open space regulation of Building where Block allotment is made.
- Buildings on Plots meant for use in part as shops on the ground floor.
- Structural design.
Special Provision for Municipalities in the Hill Areas
- Special Provisions.
- Criteria of using a piece of land as a building site.
- Application for approval of sites and for permission to construct or reconstruct buildings other than huts.
- Sub-division of plots.
- Preparation of plan and supervision of execution of work.
- Engagement of technical personnel.
- Permissible height of building.
- Ground coverage.
- Open spaces for building.
- Access, circulation and parking.
- Drainage measures.
- Protective work in hills.
- Special conditions.
- Old and Insecured Buildings.
- Maintenance of Buildings.
- Rain Water Harvesting and IVee Cover.
- Waste water recycling.
- Provisions for physically handicapped/disabled personnel.
- Provision for use of Solar Energy.
- No objection from authority.
No. 67-MA dated 14.02.2007, Source