
West Bengal Municipal (Building) Rules, 2007

Urban Development and Municipal Affairs, 👁️ 164

West Bengal Municipal (Building) Rules, 2007 shall apply to buildings in the municipal areas, notified areas and Industrial Townships in West Bengal.

Amendment vide No. 446-MA dated 22.06.2018


No. 67/MA/O/C-4/3R-8/2002 Kolkata, the 14th day of February, 2007.


Part I

  1. Short title, application and commencement.
  2. Definitions.

Building in areas other than municipalities in hill areas

  1. Criteria of using a piece of land as a building site.
  2. Applications for approval of building sites and for permission to construct or reconstruct buildings other than huts.
  3. Further information required to be submitted by applicant.
  4. Incomplete or defective information.
  5. Signature on approved site plan.
  6. Control of development of parks, public open spaces, ponds, wetlands, canals, river and other water front and brick fields.
  7. Sub-division of plots in areas other than municipalities in hill areas.
  8. Masonry building not to be erected without special permission in certain cases.
  9. Application to the Board of Councilors with a building plan for permission; to erect a new building or to make addition or alteration to a building.
  10. Particulars to be furnished in, and with, an application.
  11. Specification and other information to accompany the application with building plan.
  12. Preparation of plan and supervision of execution of work in areas other than Municipalities in hill areas.
  13. Engagement of technical personnel in areas other than municipalities in hill areas.
  14. Duties and responsibilities of Architect and Licensed Building Surveyor.
  15. Duties and Responsibilities of Structural Engineers.
  16. Duties and Responsibilities of Geo-technical Engineers.
  17. Time and manner of disposal of application under rule 11.
  18. Action to be taken while a building is under construction.
  19. Sanction of building and permission to execute work.
  20. Building Permit (sanction for building construction plan).
  21. Duration and expiry of sanction of building plan.
  22. Fees for sanction of building plans.
  23. Stacking Fees.
  24. Signature of approved plans.
  25. Retention of plan and submission of fresh applications.
  26. Notice to the Board of Councilors before commencement of work.
  27. Prohibition of work at night.
  28. Notice for completion of work up to plinth level.
  29. Deviations during construction.
  30. Demolition of unauthorized construction.
  31. Completion of work.
  32. Occupancy certificate.
  33. Delay in issue of occupancy certificate.
  34. Prohibition of use of building without occupancy certificate.
  35. Work subsequent to issue of occupancy certificate.
  36. Notice for covering up drains, etc.
  37. Power of Board of Councilors to guard against accidents during construction or repairs.
  38. Power of Board of Councilors to cause hoards or fences to be set up during construction, repair, etc.
  39. Power as to inflammable structures.
  40. The structural design.
  41. Distance from electric lines.
  42. Rat-proofing.

Means of access, open space and parking space

  1. Rules for means of access in areas other than the Municipalities in hill areas.
  2. Ground coverage in respect of buildings in areas other than municipalities in hill areas.
  3. Addition of new plot.
  4. Linking of two blocks.
  5. Permissible height of buildings in areas other than municipalities in hill areas.

Open spaces

  1. Open spaces for building in areas other than municipalities in hill areas.
  2. Exemption related to Open Spaces calculations.
  3. Provision of parking space for a building within a plot in the areas other than municipalities in hill areas.
  4. Tall buildings (exceeding fourteen and a half meters in height).


  1. Regulation for more than one building in one plot, existing buildings and the buildings under Government approved schemes.
  2. Provisions regarding existing buildings.
  3. Provisions for buildings constructed under Government approved schemes.

Requirements of Parts of Buildings

  1. Plinth.
  2. Habitable room.
  3. Roof.
  4. Kitchen.
  5. Pantry.
  6. Bathroom and water closet.
  7. Lifts.
  8. Loft.
  9. Ledge or tand.
  10. Mezzanine floor.
  11. Service Floor.
  12. Store room.
  13. Garage.
  14. Basement.
  15. Chimney.
  16. Parapet.
  17. Boundary wall.
  18. Lighting and ventilation of room.

Exit Requirements of Buildings

  1. Definitions.
  2. Fire protection.
  3. General exit requirements.
  4. Arrangements of exits.
  5. Requirements regarding staircase.
  6. Minimum Width Provisions.
  7. Provision for doors for an assembly room or hall.
  8. Other requirements.
  9. Consultation with the Director of Fire Services before granting permission to erect a building.
  10. Power to Municipal Authority to ask for sufficient means of exits.
  11. Requirements of special occupancies under any other law in force.

Structural Design

  1. Structural design.
  2. Quality of materials and workmanship.
  3. Alternative materials, methods of design and construction.
  4. Tests.

Building and Plumbing Services

  1. Building services.
  2. Signs and outdoor display structures.

Provisions for Salt Lake Township within Bidhannagar Municipal Area and Nabadiganta Industrial Township

  1. Special provision.
  2. Administration.
  3. Definitions.
  4. Additional requirements for submission of building plan.
  5. Notice for an alteration only.
  6. Repairs.
  7. Deviation during construction.
  8. Fees.
  9. Part construction.
  10. Fees for sanction of revised plan or part plan.
  11. Constructions not according to plan under sub-rule (2) of rule 30 or sub rule (1) of rule 34.
  12. Cases of emergency.
  13. Means of access.
  14. Access to Dwelling Units and Rooms.
  15. Obligatory front space, minimum side spaces and back spaces for various categories of residential buildings.
  16. Open spaces with respect to covered area.
  17. Covered area.
  18. Projection.
  19. Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.).
  20. Maximum number of floor.
  21. Maximum number of flat per storey.
  22. Basement and floors underground rooms.
  23. Plinth regulation.
  24. Height regulation.
  25. Size of room.
  26. Lighting and Ventilation of rooms.
  27. Other requirements.
  28. Drainage of roofs.
  29. Water tanks and cisterns.
  30. Pipes and Fittings.
  31. Sinks.
  32. Privy.
  33. Flushing of connected privies and urinals.
  34. Syphon-trap and Anti-syphonage Pipe.
  35. Soil pipe for connected privies and connected urinals.
  36. Rain-water pipes.
  37. House Drainage.
  38. Instruction.
  39. Disconnection of sewer and water line for violation of rule.
  40. Architectural features.
  41. Maintenance.
  42. Verandah and Advertising Sign.
  43. Unfinished Buildings.
  44. Clearing of Site.
  45. Masts.
  46. Unsightly Materials.
  47. Sheet Metal and Barbed wire fences.
  48. Parks and Gardens.
  49. Decoration.
  50. Structural feature.
  51. Boundary wall.
  52. Staircase.
  53. Worship room/meditation room within staircase at roof.
  54. Asbestose Cement or Corrugated Iron sheet roofing to garage and staircase top,—
  55. Lofts.
  56. Parapet wall.
  57. Garage.
  58. Carriageway leading.
  59. Sewerage and water supply connections.
  60. Garbage disposal.
  61. Rules relating to open space regulation of Building where Block allotment is made.
  62. Buildings on Plots meant for use in part as shops on the ground floor.
  63. Structural design.

Special Provision for Municipalities in the Hill Areas

  1. Special Provisions.
  2. Criteria of using a piece of land as a building site.
  3. Application for approval of sites and for permission to construct or reconstruct buildings other than huts.
  4. Sub-division of plots.
  5. Preparation of plan and supervision of execution of work.
  6. Engagement of technical personnel.
  7. Permissible height of building.
  8. Ground coverage.
  9. Open spaces for building.
  10. Access, circulation and parking.
  11. Drainage measures.
  12. Protective work in hills.


  1. Special conditions.
  2. Old and Insecured Buildings.
  3. Maintenance of Buildings.
  4. Rain Water Harvesting and IVee Cover.
  5. Waste water recycling.
  6. Provisions for physically handicapped/disabled personnel.
  7. Provision for use of Solar Energy.
  8. No objection from authority.

No. 67-MA dated 14.02.2007, Source