West Bengal Schools Control of Expenditure Act

West Bengal Schools Control of Expenditure Act, 2005 is an Act to provide for the control of expenditures in the Schools in West Bengal. It consists of following:

  1. Short title, extent and commencement.
  2. Definitions.
  3. Application.
  4. Previous Sanction.
  5. Void Appointments.
  6. Un-aided Schools not to get financial assistance.
  7. Appointment on part time or contract basis.
  8. Constitution of District level Inspection Team.
  9. Selection of sites for setting up new schools etc.
  10. Power of State Government to sanction additional post.
  11. Power to inspect and hold enquiry.
  12. Power to de-recognise schools or abolish post.
  13. Power to determine fixation of pay and age of superannuation.
  14. Scale of Pay etc. of Teacher.
  15. Option of Contributory provident fund.
  16. Protection of teacher and non teaching staff.
  17. Penalty.
  18. Cognizance of offenses.
  19. Protection of action taken in good faith.
  20. Act to have overriding effect.
  21. Power to remove difficulties.
  22. Power to make rules.

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