
West Bengal State Dental Service (Cadre and Age of Retirement) Rules, 2010


West Bengal State Dental Service (Cadre and Age of Retirement) Rules, 2010 shall apply to the members of the West Bengal Dental Service and the West Bengal Dental Education Service.

Department of Health & Family Welfare
MERT Branch

No. HF/O/MERT/769/HAD/12D-03-2006 Dated: Kolkata, the 31st May, 2010


In exercise of the power conferred by section 22, of the West Bengal State Dental Service Act, 2009 (West Ben. Act V of 2009), the Governor is pleased hereby to make the following rules, namely:-


1. Short title, commencement and application.

(1) These rules may be called the West Bengal State Dental Service (Cadre and Age of Retirement) Rules, 2010.

(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

(3) These rules shall apply to the members of the West Bengal Dental Service and the West Bengal Dental Education Service.

2. Cadre of the West Bengal Dental Service.

The Cadre of West Bengal Dental Service shall consist of all the permanent and temporary posts of Dental Surgeons in Block Primary Health Centers, Rural Hospitals, Sub-divisional Hospitals, State General Hospitals, District Hospitals, other hospitals, State Dental Colleges, State Medical Colleges and in any State Government facility.

3. Cadre of the West Bengal Dental Education Service.

The West Bengal Dental Education Service shall comprise of the teaching posts of Principal-cum-Superintendents of Dental Colleges, Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors and Basic Teachers (Dental Surgeon-cum-Clinical Tutors/ Demonstrators) in Medical and Dental Colleges:

Provided that the persons holding posts of Readers and Lecturers in the erstwhile teaching group of unified West Bengal (Basic Grade) Dental Service shall also be eligible to be absorbed in the cadre of West Bengal Dental Education Services and thereafter continue as such till they are elevated as Associate Professors and Assistant Professors respectively, or till they vacate such posts due to superannuation or resignation or otherwise.

4. Age of compulsory retirement.

(1) The age of superannuation of all persons in the cadre of West Bengal Dental Education Service shall be sixty-two years:

Provided that any such member of the West Bengal Dental Education Service may be re-employed upto the age of sixty-five years on the grounds of manning administrative posts and various categories of teaching posts, administrative compulsion, specialized patient care or any specialized assignment, under the provisions of the West Bengal State Dental Service Act, 2009.

(2) The age of superannuation of all persons in the cadre of West Bengal Dental Service shall be sixty years.

By order of the Governor,

Sd/- M. N. ROY
Principal Secretary to the Government of West Bengal

No. HF/O/MERT/769 dated 31.05.2010

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