
West Bengal Tourism Policy, 2019

Tourism, 👁️ 198

To develop West Bengal as one of the most preferred tourist destinations of choice, while generating gainful employment, enhancing economic opportunities, and providing best-in-class tourism facilities, services and enriched tourist experience.

Tourism Department
General Establishment Cell
Block-A, 3rd Floor, 1, K.S. Roy Road, Kolkata – 700 001

No. 458-TW/5T-199/2018(P-I) Date: 06.03.2019


Whereas, the earlier West Bengal Tourism Policy, 2016 was introduced vide Tourism Department Notification no. 127-TW/5T-179/2015 dated 03.01.2013.

And whereas there is a need for modification and amendment of the existing Polity in the wake of the changing scenario of the Tourism envlommcni of the stare of West Bengal.

Now, therefore in supersession of all the previous policies of Tourism Department for development and promotion of tourism in the state of West Bengal, the Governor is pleased to introduce a new Tourism Policy as under:

1. Short Title: The Policy may be called “West Bengal Tourism Policy, 2019”

2. Commencement & Duration: Unless specifically mentioned, it shall come into effect on and from 06th March, 2019, in the whole of West Bengal and shall remain valid till further notification is issued in this regard.

By order of the Governor,

Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal


  1. Preamble
  2. Vision, Mission, and Objectives
    2.1. Vision – ‘Earning through Quality’
    2.2. Mission
    2.3. Objectives
    2.4. Coverage of tourism ‘infrastructure’ and tourism ‘services’
  3. Policy instruments
    A. Standards and certification
    B. Institutional Framework
    C. Tourism Infrastructure Development
    D. Marketing and Promotion
    E. Research and ICT enablement
    F. Skill Development and Capacity building
    4.1 Definitions

No. 458-TW dated 06.03.2019, Source