(Medical Service Branch)
Swasthya Bhawan, GN29, Sector V, Salt Lake Kolkata-91
No. HF/O/MS/990/W-10/2001 Dated Kolkata the 27th October 2014
This is in continuation to this department Memorandum No. HF/O/MS/984/W-10/2001 dated 22nd October 2014 regarding withdrawal of all kinds of user charges, bed & cabin charges in all hospitals under the department except teaching hospitals & medical college hospitals with immediate effect. Orders have already been communicated to all CMOHs and hospitals with the request to circulate the same to all units. Superintendent of hospitals should share copy of orders with Chairman and all members of Rogi Kalyan Samities.
- Paying beds and cabins have now been converted into free beds in terms of the orders mentioned above. Superintendent of hospitals should allot these free beds for maternity, paediatrics and other IPD services to ease out congestion and to meet the additional requirement of beds.
- In order to ensure wide publicity on the decision of the Government, this is requested to erase the existing writings on boards/ walls and public notices regarding rates of payments as per earlier GOs, if any and rewrite public information messages, wall writings, hoardings or signages in the hospitals as per provisions of new GO.
- All the irrelevant IEC materials and writings anywhere in the OPD/IPD must be removed and rewritten in terms of new GO. Free services in terms of new GO for all categories of patients must be clearly displayed.
- Suitable Public Notices, Boards, wall writings may be put in place for the information of patients at emergency, pathology, imaging, OPD and admission counters etc with immediate effect.
- Doctors, Nursing personnel, other hospital staff and Rogi Sahayaks may be briefed suitably and directed to implement the orders in true spirit and extend necessary effective help for patient health care in all units of hospitals.
The expenditure for the purpose may be incurred out of RECS funds or available RSBY funds observing financial norms and procedures.
Report of compliance may be sent to Hospital Administration Branch of the Health Directorate immediately.
Matter most urgent.
No. HF-990 dated 27.10.2014, Source
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