
Administrative Approval of Plan Projects or Schemes

Finance, 👁️ 155

All Plan projects/ schemes of project cost not exceeding Rs. 10 crore, the administrative approval shall be accorded by the Departmental Secretary with the concurrence of FA.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 4217-F(Y) Dated, 10th August, 2016


In the Finance Department Memoranda Nos. 1880-F dated 07.03.2007, 8651-F(Y) dated 24.08.2010 and 3611-F(Y) dated 10.07.2014 the procedure for according administrative approval of plan projects/ schemes was stipulated. Now, in order to further expedite the execution process the undersigned is directed by the order of the Governor to lay down the following procedure regarding administrative approval of such Plan projects/schemes:

i) Except for the cases which are dealt exclusively by Finance (Budget) Department, for all Plan projects/schemes of project cost not exceeding Rs. 10 crore, the administrative approval shall be accorded by the Departmental Secretary with the concurrence of Departmental Financial Advisor.

ii) All Plan projects/schemes of project cost exceeding Rs. 10 crore shall be referred to the respective Administrative Group of Finance Department for administrative approval with the views of the Departmental Financial Advisor and approval of Minister-in-Charge/ Minister of State in charge of the concerned Department.

This order takes immediate effect and is being issued in partial modification of this Department Memoranda Nos. 1880-F dated 07.03.2007, 8651-F(Y) dated 24.08.2010 and 3611-F(Y) dated 10.07.2014.

Sd/- H. K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 4217-F dated 10.08.2016, Source