
Admission of HIV Positive Students in School of West Bengal

School Education,

All the State government and private schools are directed not to deny admission to the HIV affected children and also to treat them at par with other children and not to suspend or expel them from schools solely on the ground of their own or their parents/guardians’ HIV status.

Government of West Bengal
Elementary Education Branch
Bikash Bhawan, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700 091

No. 494-SE(EE)/10M-122/2014 Date: 13.05.2014


In view of the proposal received from Health Department, the following instructions are being issued for immediate circulation to all the schools under the administrative control of the School Department and strict compliance

1. All the State government and private schools are directed not to deny admission to the HIV affected children and also to treat them at par with other children and not to suspend or expel them from schools solely on the ground of their own or their parents/guardians’ HIV status.

2. All school authorities and other functionaries associated with school education administration should ensure that children infected with or affected by HIV are not segregated from other students and they also able to access schools, attend their regular classes and complete their education with other children.

3. No such child should be subjected to caste/ class/ religious/ gender abuse or abuse of any other form in the school and confidentiality of such children should be maintained strictly.

The above should be followed with due care.

Sd/- Secretary
School Education Department

No. 494-SE dated 13.05.2014