Advance Purchase of Medicine when Outside West Bengal
Advance purchase of medicine for maximum period upto six months may be allowed when medicine are prescribed for indefinite period by outside hospitals.
Advance purchase of medicine for maximum period upto six months may be allowed when medicine are prescribed for indefinite period by outside hospitals.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 2857-F(MED), Dated: 08.04.2013
Government Employees/ Government Pensioners who are enrolled under WBHS, 2008 and got treatment with prior approval from Government for treatment in recognised speciality hospitals out side the State face great difficulty in getting reimbursement under WBHS, 2008 for the cost of medicines prescribed by those hospitals for an indefinite period in compliance with Clause 12(2) of WBHS, 2008 and F.D. Memo No. 2618-F(MED) dated 05.04.2011.
The matter has been considered by West Bengal Health Scheme Authority and on the basis of their recommendation, the undersigned is directed by the order of the Governor to say that Governor is pleased to order that advance purchase of medicine for maximum period upto six months may be allowed when medicine are prescribed for indefinite period by those hospitals located outside the State and also claim for reimbursement in such cases may be allowed upto six months from the date of purchase of such medicines.
Clause 12(2) of WBHS, 2008 and Finance Department, Audit Branch Memorandum No. 2618-F(MED) dated 5.4.2011 may be amended accordingly.
This will take effect from the date of issue of the order.
By Order of the Governor
Special Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
No. 2857-F dated 08.04.2013, Source