West Bengal Board of Secondary Education
77/2, Park Street, Kolkata – 700 016
From: The Secretary, W.B.B.S.E.
To: The Heads of all recognized Secondary Institutions (Aided & Unaided) in West Bengal.
Sub: Age for admission in respect of appropriate class.
Memo No. N/S/86, Date: 16.07.2012
In terms of Rule 2(1)(c) of West Bengal Right of Children to Free & Compulsory Education Rules, 2012, published in the Extra-ordinary Kolkata Gazette, dated 16.3.2012 vide Memo No. 323-SE(Law)/ES/S/1A-01/2009 dated 15.3.2012, the President, West Bengal Board of Secondary Education, has been pleased to notify for information of all concerned that ‘age for admission’ as defined in the rules, in respect of appropriate class will be as follows :
(i) for class I, the age of 6 years and above but less than 7 years of age;
(ii) for class II, the age of 7 years and above but less than 8 years of age;
(iii) for class III, the age of 8 years and above but less than 9 years of age;
(iv) for class IV, the age of 9 years and above but less than 10 years of age;
(v) for class V, the age of 10 years and above but less than 11 years of age;
(vi) for class VI, the age of 11 years and above but less than 12 years of age;
(vii) for class VII, the age of 12 years and above but less than 13 years of age;
(viii) for class VIII, the age of 13 years and above but less than 14 years of age;
However, this definition of age shall be applicable for admission in class I on or after academic year 2013.
Sd/- Secretary
No. N/S/86 dated 16.07.2012
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