Extension of Age Limit of New Born Baby for availing benefits of WBHS
Extension of age limit of new born baby for availing benefits of West Bengal Health Scheme with the enrolment certificate of parents.
Extension of age limit of new born baby for availing benefits of West Bengal Health Scheme with the enrolment certificate of parents.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Medical Cell
No. 100-F(MED) WB Dated- 25/09/2020
Sub: Extension of age limit of new born baby for availing benefits of West Bengal Health Scheme with the enrolment certificate of parents.
New born baby of an enrolled employee/pensioner is entitled to get treatment under West Bengal Health Scheme (WBHS) on the basis of identity card of his/her parents up to six months of age as per clause 4 of Finance Department memo no. 797-F(MED) dated 31.01.2011.
The government has been considering from some time past for extending the time period of enrollment of new born baby and cashless treatment in addition to reimbursement facility in favour of new born baby under WBHS with the enrollment certificate of parents.
Now, in partial modification of Clause 4 of order no. 797-F(MED) dated 31.01.2011, the Governor is pleased to issue the following guidelines for availing treatment of new born baby:-
This has the approval of Additional Chief Secretary, Finance Department, Govt. of West Bengal.
This order will come into effect from the date of issue.
Sd/- Shilpa Gourisaria, IAS
Joint Secretary, Finance Department
Government of West Bengal
No. 100-F dated 25.09.2020, Source
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