School Education, Service Rule
Every teacher or non-teaching staff shall submit an application for appearing at any examination to the appointing authority and seek prior approval of the concerned DI.
No. S/120, Date: 30th May, 2005
In exercise of the power conferred by clause (gg) of sub-section (2), read with sub-section (3) of section 27 of the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education Act, 1963 (West Bengal Act V of 1963) (hereinafter referred to as the said Act), the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education, with the previous approval of the State Government, hereby makes the following amendment in the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (Conduct and Discipline of teachers and non-teaching staff) Regulations, 2004 published with this Board’s Notification No. S/18, dated 14th January, 2005 in the Kolkata Gazette, Extraordinary, dated January 20, 2005.
1. In Clause 3, the words “and to set a standard of dress, speech and behaviour worthy of example to the students” be inserted after the words “in the society”.
2. In Note 1 of Claus- 3, the word “faithfulness” be replaced by the word “Sincerity”.
3. In Clause 5, sub-clauses (d) and (e) be deleted.
4. In sub-clause (2) of Clause 7, the words “with the permission of his appointing authority” be deleted, and the words, “beyond school hours” be inserted after the word “may”.
5. In sub-clause (3) of Clause 7, the words “or take part in any performing art or in any work of scientific character” be inserted after the words “publication of books”.
6. The Clause 10 be deleted.
7. In Clause 12, the words “when arranged” be substituted by the words “provided he/she is directed to do so”.
8. In Clause 13, the sub-clause (3) be replaced by the sub-clause (2), and in sub-clause (2), the words “is taking part” be substituted by the words “is not taking part”.
9. In Clause 14, the word “faithful” be substituted by the words “sincere”.
10. In sub-clause (2) of Clause 16, the word “faithfully” be substituted by the word “sincerely”.
11. In sub-clause (2) of Clause 17, the words “as the case may be” be placed after the words “be the Council” and the word “instituted” be substituted by the word “conducted”.
12. In Clause 18, the words “with the approval of” be substituted by the words “if and when desired by”.
13. In sub-clause (c) of Clause 19, the word “may tantamount to proceedings” be treated as a separate line.
14. In Clause 20, the words “his respective committees” be substituted by the words “the concerned school authority”.
15. In sub-clause (3) of Clauses 21, the word “correctional” be substituted by the word “remedial”.
16. In sub-clause (2) of Clause 22, the words “mutually respectful” be replaced by the word “cordial”.
17. In Clause 24, the word “he” Insert be substituted by the word “the” after the words “and if”.
18. Clause 25, be written as follows:
“Every teacher or non-teaching staff shall submit an application for appearing at any examination to the appointing authority and seek prior approval of the concerned District Inspector of Schools (SE), if there is any financial involvement”.
19. In Clause 26, the words “and with approval from Committee” be deleted, and the words “without hampering his/her duties towards the institution” be added after the words “voluntary organization”.
20. In Clause 29, the words “and in case of sponsored institutions, appeal should be preferred to the Director of School Education” be added after the words “Regulations, 1964”.
West Bengal Board of Secondary Education