Amendment to Career Advancement Scheme
Movement to third higher scale of pay after completion of twenty five years of service under MCAS as now available to the employees first appointed in pre-revised scale nos. 1 to 12.
Movement to third higher scale of pay after completion of twenty five years of service under MCAS as now available to the employees first appointed in pre-revised scale nos. 1 to 12.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
Writers’ Buildings, Kolkata-700001
No. 10580-F(P), Dated: 28.12.2012
The question of improving the existing Career Advancement Scheme for the State Government employees first appointed in pre-revised scale nos. 13, 14 and 15 as introduced in Finance Department No. 3015-F dt. 13.03.2001 has been under consideration of the Government for sometime past.
2. After careful consideration of the matter, the Governor has been pleased to decide to extend the benefit of movement to third higher scale of pay after completion of twenty five years of service under MCAS as now available to the employees first appointed in pre-revised scale nos. 1 to 12 to the State Government employees first appointed in pre-revised scale nos. 13, 14 and 15 under the same terms and conditions as in Finance Department No. referred to above.
3. This order will take effect from 01.12.2012.
4. The Accountant General (A&E) West Bengal and Principal Accountant General, West Bengal may be informed accordingly.
Sd/- A K. Das
OSD & E.O. Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
No. 10580-F dated 28.12.2012, Source