Finance, AA&FS , Planning Committee
Plan projects/ schemes having estimated cost of more than Rs. 50 crore shall now have to be referred by the Administrative Departments to the State Planning Board for clearance.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 3611-F(Y) Dated, 10th July, 2014
Under the existing arrangement vide FD memo no. 1880-F dt. 7.3.2007, all the Administrative Departments have to seek approval of the State Planning Board (SPB) for projects with an estimated project cost of more than Rs. 20 crore. During the intervening period due to rising cost of construction materials PWD schedule of rates has been revised couple of times. But the amount fixed for mandatory clearance by SPB has not been revised. The State Government has been considering for some time past the enhancement of the limit of the amount of project cost beyond which the approval of State Planning Board is necessary.
2. Now, therefore, the undersigned is directed by order of the Governor to say that administrative approval to the plan projects/schemes having an estimated cost above Rs. 5 crore/ Rs. 10 crore in case of DAC/ Departmental FA, and upto Rs. 50 crore shall be given by the Finance Department without reference to the State Planning Board. Plan projects/ schemes having estimated cost of more than Rs. 50 crore shall now have to be referred by the Administrative Departments to the SPB for clearance before submission to Finance Department for concurrence.
3. This order issues in partial modification of the FD memo. no. 8651-F(Y) dt. 24.8.2010 and no. 1880-F dt. 7.3.2007.
Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal