School Education, Teacher Eligibility Test
Keeping the venue schools open for Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) exams and attendance of teaching & non-teaching staff of those schools on 16.08.15 and 30.08.15.
Government of West Bengal
Directorate of School Education
Bikash Bhavan, 7th Floor
Salt Lake City, Kolkata – 700 091
Memo No. 1203/(3)-GA Dated: 12.08.2015
From: Commissioner, School Education, West Bengal.
To: (1) The Chairpersons, District Primary School Council of all Districts/ K.P.S.C./ Siliguri Primary School Council,
(2) The D.I. of Schools (SE), All Districts,
(3) The D.I. of Schools (PE), All Districts.
Sub: Keeping the venue schools open for “Teacher Eligibility Test (TET)” exams and attendance of teaching & non-teaching staff of those schools.
In view of the ensuing Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) Exams going to held on 16th August & 30th August, 2015, I am directed to inform you that the authorities of all the venue schools are to be instructed to keep open their respective schools on 16th & 30th August, 2015 for conducting TET Exams 2015. Moreover, all the teaching & non-teaching staff of the concerned schools are also to be directed to attend school on those days following the time schedule of TET exam and perform the duties to be allotted by the concerned Centre-in-Charges positively.
In this connection, it is also noted that if the concerned Centre-in-Charge feels necessity of service of the teachers of neighbouring schools (Primary/Secondary) he/she may send a requisition to the neighbouring Institution who will in turn depute the teachers as per requisition. The allotted teacher will have to perform their duties in the allotted centres.
The D.I. of School (SE) and the D.I. of Schools (PE) are also requested to keep open their offices to extend all sorts of co-operation to the administration/ concerned authorities on the date of TET Examination. They are further requested to communicate this memo to their sub-ordinate offices and Head of the Institutions to make sure the attendance of teachers on the date of TET Examinations as per allotted duties.
This is urgent.
Sd/- Commissioner
School Education, West Bengal
Government of West Bengal
School Education Department
Secondary Branch
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata- 91
No. 748-SE(S)/10M-63/2015 Date: 13.08.2015
In view of ensuing Teachers Eligibility Test 2015 for Upper Primary and Primary Level to be conducted by West Bengal Central School Service Commission and West Bengal Board of Primary Education to be held on 16.08.2015 and 30.08.2015 respectively it is hereby ordered that all DIS(SE)s and DI(PE)s along with their entire staff and officers will remain on duty on the above mentioned dates and keep the office open for rendering all sorts of co-operation to West Bengal Central School Service Commission, West Bengal Board of Primary Education and District Administration in ensuring smooth conduct of the said examination.
It is further ordered that all the schools which have been identified as designated venues for conducting the above examination shall remain open and all the teaching and non-teaching Staffs of the school concerned shall remain on duty on the examination dates.
Further the school premises along with all infrastructural facilities of the designated venues shall be made available for the conduct of the examination.
DIS concerned shall take necessary action to inform all concerned accordingly.
This is extremely urgent.
Sd/- Secretary
to the Govt. of West Bengal