No.: 116-AG/O/Crop Ins./7C-10/2018 Dated: the 17th January, 2019.
The undersigned is directed to state that the Governor is pleased to notify the Bangla Fasal Bima Yojana (BFBY) scheme for the extended period upto 31st January, 2019 during Rabi 2018-19. The primary objective of the scheme is to provide facilities of enrolment for crop insurance to left out non-loanee farmers who could not enroll themselves on voluntary basis under previously notified BFBY/ PMFBY, vide Notification No.: 1749-AG/O/Crop Ins./7C-07/2018 Dated: the 27th November, 2018 within 31st December, 2018.
A. Features of BFBY for the extended period:
1. The Bangla Fasal Bima Yojana (BFBY) for the extended period during Rabi 2018-19 will provide insurance coverage to the left out willing and eligible non-loanee farmers free of cost for the following summer crops and insurance units among the notified crops under BFBY/PMFBY vide No. 1749-AG/O/Crop Ins./7C-07/2018 Dated: the 27th November, 2018 as per Annexure (I-V):
Table 1: Crops to be insured and Insurance Units during Rabi 2018-19:
Sl. No. | Crops to be covered | Insurance Unit | Districts/Block/GP |
1. | Boro (Summer) Paddy | Gram Panchayat | As per Annexure-I |
2. | Summer Maize | Block | As per Annexure-II |
3. | Mug (Summer) | Block | As per Annexure-III |
4. | Til (Summer) | Block | As per Annexure-IV |
5. | Groundnut (Summer) | Block | As per Annexure-V |
2. The scheme will be implemented by the Insurance Companies (ICs) who are the Implementing Agencies (IAs) for BFBY/ PMFBY for Rabi 218-19 season as per approval of Finance Department, Govt. of West Bengal vide U.O. No. Group A-l/2018-2019/0041, dated 20.11.2018. The said IAs were selected through e-tender vide No. 1528-(Nab)/AG/0/Crop Ins/7C-07/2018 dated 01.10.2018 for implementation of BFBY/PMFBY during Rabi 2018-19 as detailed below:
Cluster | Name of the Districts in the Cluster | Name of the Selected IAs |
Cluster-1 | Darjeeling, Kalimpong, Murshidabad, Howrah, Purba Bardhaman and Paschim Bardhaman. | United India Insurance Co. Ltd. |
Cluster-2 | Jalpaiguri, Alipurduar, Nadia, Bankura, Paschim Medinipur and Jhargram. | National Insurance Company Ltd. |
Cluster-3 | Uttar Dinajpur, South 24 Parganas, Dakshin Dinajpur, Hooghly and Birbhum. | National Insurance Company Ltd. |
Cluster-4 | Coochbehar, Malda, North 24 Parganas, Purulia and Purba Medinipur. | Cholamandalam MS GIC Ltd. |
3. The said ICs will act as IAs for the respective Clusters during the extended period i.e upto 31st January, 2019.
a. The Cluster-wise detailed Premium Rates of the notified crops under BFBY during Rabi 2018-19 for the extended period i.e. up to 31st January, 2019 are in Annexure-VI.
b. The district-wise & crop-wise Indemnity Level and Scale of Finance (Rupees per hectare) are given in Annexure -VII, district wise sowing and harvesting of the notify crops (as per Annexure – VIII) and list of active weather station (as per Annexure- IX).
c. Seasonality Discipline will be as under:
Sl. No. | Activity | Rabi 2018-19 |
1. | Cut-off date for receipt of Proposals of nonloanee farmers. | 31st January, 2019 |
2. | Cut-off date for receipt of Yield Data | Within a month from final harvesting. |
3. | Processing, Approval and Payment of Final Claims based on Yield Data | 3 (Three) weeks from receipt of yield data. |
4. | Claim settlement under Mid-term Adversity | Within one month of issuance of Notification invoking such provision. |
4. Crop Cutting Experiments (CCEs) for preparation of Yield Data will be as per Notification, vide No.: 1749-AG/O/Crop Ins./7C-07/2018 Dated: the 27th November, 2018.
5. Submission of Yield Data: As per Notification, vide No.: 1749-AG/O /Crop Ins./7C-07/2018 Dated: the 27th November, 2018.
6. Share of Premium: The full premium amount of the non-loanee farmers, to be covered during this extended period, will be borne by the State Government.
7. Claim Sharing: All claims for this additional coverage of farmers will be borne by the IAs till the claim amount is within the premium amount received by the IAs. If claim amount exceeds 100% of premium amount, the State Govt. will bear the additional claim amount.
8. The Sum Insured per hectare of the notified crops under BFBY for the extended period upto 31st January, 2019 will be as per Notification, vide No.: 1749-AG/O /Crop Ins./7C-07/2018 Dated: the 27th November, 2018.
9. All application and data regarding coverage under BFBY program for the extended period upto 31st January, 2019 shall be uploaded in the State Crop Insurance portal to be notified separately.
10. Data uploaded in state crop insurance portal will be treated as valid insurance coverage. The IAs will have to reconcile the same coverage figures with that of GOI portal to avoid duplication of farmer’s coverage during the extended period upto 31st January, 2019.
B. Terms & Conditions:
1. Publicity and awareness programme: The IAs shall make adequate publicity/ awareness of BFBY for the extended period in coordination with State Government. The approval of the publicity materials is to be taken from the Agriculture Department.
2. Loss assessment and payment of claims shall be settled as per Notification vide No.: 1749-AG/O/Crop Ins./7C-07/2018 Dated: the 27th November, 2018 for Rabi 2018-19.
3. On account payment of claims due to mid-season adversity, Prevented/ failed sowing and Prevented Planting/ Germination Claims, Post Harvest Losses & Localized risk shall be dealt as per Notification, vide No.: 1749-AG/O /Crop Ins./7C-07/2018 Dated: the 27th November, 2018.
4. Threshold Yield: Threshold Yield (TY) at unit level of these notified crops will be as per Notification, vide No.: 1749-AG/O/Crop Ins./7C-07/2018 Dated: the 27th November, 2018.
5. Final insurance claims will be settled only on the basis of yield data furnished by the State Government based on requisite number of CCEs as per Notification vide No.: 1749-AG/O/Crop Ins./7C-07/2018 Dated: the 27th November, 2018.
6. The Non-loanee farmers will have to submit documentary evidence regarding their insurable interest in cultivating land/ crop (e.g. ownership/ tenancy/ cultivation rights) proposed for crop insurance and furnish the following documents:
(a) Proposal mentioning the notified Block/GP names, Village name and Mouza name and JL No., area (in ha) of cultivable land and undertaking that he/ she is not availing crop insurance for the same crop in the same survey/ plot number under some other bank account and that he/ she has not availed coverage of crop insurance under BFBY/ PMFBY, Rabi 2018-19 season the cut-off date for which was 31st December, 2018.
(b) KYC documents – i) Bank Passbook with photo; and ii) copy of Aadhaar Card or Aadhaar enrolment ID slip or iii) copy of voter ID card or iv) KCC Passbook or v) MGNREGA Job Card or vi) Driving license.
(c) Copy of Khatian/ Parcha/ Patta/ Deed/ Tax Receipt (for Owner cultivator) or a certificate from the Gram Panchayat Pradhan in the format at Annexure – X for “Non-Owner Cultivator.”
(d) “Area Sown Certificate” (for intended sowing or actually sown) from Assistant Director of Agriculture of the concerned Block or his representative/ Revenue Officer of Land & Land Reforms Department.
The IA shall reserve the right to repudiate any proposal from Non-loanee farmer to avoid duplication of insurance against same piece of land.
7. Monitoring Committees formed at State, District and Block level vide G.O. No.: 1749-AG/O/Crop Ins./7C-07/2018 Dated: the 27th November, 2018 will act as the Monitoring Committees for BFBY for the extended period upto 31st January, 2019 also.
8. District Level Joint Committee for assessment of crop damage: Committees at State, District and block level will remain same as in Notification vide No.: 1749-AG/O/Crop Ins./7C-07/2018 Dated: the 27th November, 2018.
9. District Level Authority to invoke provisions of On Account Payment due to Mid Season Adversity/ Prevented Sowing: As per Notification vide No.: 1749-AG/O/Crop Ins./7C-07/2018 Dated: the 27th November, 2018.
10. The IAs will take effective measures in respect of data entry with all requisite information in the State Crop Insurance portal at regular intervals in compliance with the guidelines followed in Rabi 2018-19 as mentioned in Notification No. 1749-AG/O/Crop Ins./7C-07/2018 dated 27/11/2018 subject to provision of this current Notification.
11. All other points in respect of implementation of the scheme shall be dealt in terms of the Notifications No. 1749-AG/O/Crop Ins./7C-07/2018 dated 27/11/2018.
12. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Department, Govt. of West Bengal vide U.O. No. Group A-1/2018-2019/0062 dated 11/01/2019 read with U.O. No. Group A-1/2018-2019/0064 dated 16/01/2019.
By the Order of the Governor
Sd/- Naveen Prakash
Additional Chief Secretary to the
Govt. of West Bengal