
Bonus, Festival Advance, Interim Relief in HRMS

Finance, , , , 👁️ 223

All Bonus and Festival Advance bills may be prepared and submitted mandatorily through HRMS system only whenever the applicability of payment will arise.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 3705-F(Y) Dated 14th July, 2016


Sub:- Deployment of more functionalities related to Pay & others in HRMS-IFMS

Human Resource Management System (HRMS) module of Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) is under the process of development in a phased manner with its sub-modules & various functionalities.

Pay Roll processing sub-module of HRMS has become fully functional since some times past. Pay bills of employees in Government establishments have already been processed regularly through this sub-module of HRMS.

Now, undermentioned functionalities have also been developed and deployed in HRMS following the guidelines already laid down in relevant Government orders:-

i. Preparation & submission of Bonus bills of eligible employees;

ii. Preparation & submission of Festival Advance bills of eligible employees;

iii. Annual increment on Basic Pay to eligible employees w.e.f. 01/07/2016;

iv. Interim Relief payable to eligible employees from the month of July, 2016 onwards.

Hence, all Bonus & Festival Advance bills may be prepared and submitted mandatorily through the system only whenever the applicability of payment will arise. Admissible annual increment and interim relief will be given effect through HRMS only in the Pay bill of July, 2016 and afterwards.

The same is required to be complied with by all DDOs and PAOs/TOs.

Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 3705-F dated 14.07.2016, Source

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