
Facility for Bulk Modification/ Updating of IFSCs in IFMS


Based upon the verification of DDO, eGovernance Group, Finance Department, Government of West Bengal shall centrally modify /merge the IFSC of the beneficiary bank branch in IFMS;

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
e-Governance Group

No. 2237-F(Y) Dated 02.08.2021


Subject: Introduction of facility for Bulk Modification/ Updating of IFSCs in IFMS

Consequent upon merger of banks and/or merger of bank branches etc., IFSCs (Indian Financial System Code) of bank branches have changed/ modified. As a result IFSC in respect of beneficiary bank accounts belonging to bank branches where IFSCs have changed (following merger) and that are attached to specific DDO or Deposit Account Administrator in e-Pradan/ e-Billing/ HRMS/ Online PL modules of IFMS, are required to be updated compulsorily in IFMS. At present modification of IFSC of beneficiary bank account is done singly by concerned DDO/ Deposit Account Administrator and not in bulk. Given the present scenario the number of beneficiary bank accounts where IFSC need to be changed is huge and therefore the usual method of updating is both cumbersome and time consuming. Meanwhile it is essential to make such modifications since online payments (DBT) through IFMS-eKuber integration can become unsuccessful (Failed Transaction) if the new/ merged IFSC of concerned beneficiary bank account is not modified/ updated in IFMS before processing of the claim.

As such it was under active consideration of the Government for some time past to provide a facility for modification of IFSC of beneficiary bank accounts in bulk. To cater to such need and considering the utility and urgency of such feature, the Governor is pleased to introduce functionality in IFMS for changing the IFSC of concerned beneficiaries in bulk whose modalities are outlined below:

i. The IFSC Master at the end of e-Gov Group, Finance Department (IFMS) shall be updated as and when updated IFSC Master is received and/or uploaded by RBI. This does not imply automatic updating of IFSCs in respect of beneficiary accounts. That shall happen only when desired modification of IFSC in the concerned beneficiary accounts is approved by the concerned DDO;

ii. The DDO/ Deposit Account Administrator may send a letter to the Joint Secretary, e-Governance Group, Finance Department with a request to update IFSC of any specific bank branch. However it should be supported with a certificate that the DDO has verified such IFSC with the concerned bank (branch) and is satisfied with its authenticity. Such communication may be sent to ifms-wb@gov.in or ifmswb@gmail.com;

iii. Based upon the verification of DDO, eGovernance Group, Finance Department, Government of West Bengal shall centrally modify/merge the IFSC of the beneficiary bank branch in IFMS;

iv. Upon such modification of IFSCs in the IFSC master database of IFMS, a notification will be displayed to all concerned DDO/ Deposit Account Administrator for approval of the said modification in respect of their beneficiaries’ accounts available in e-Pradan/ Online PL modules of IFMS. However such bulk updating of IFSCs shall not be applicable for beneficiaries of external portals getting payment through integration with IFMS portal;

v. The beneficiaries in whose respect modification of IFSC has to be approved by the DDO/ Deposit Account Administrator must not remain tagged with any Reference, Pension Bill, Failed Transactions, etc at the time of such modification. However if any beneficiary is so tagged then it will not be available for IFSC updation in bulk and therefore has to be untagged/ excluded from the ECS list following which it shall become available for IFSC updation in bulk;

vi. After modification/ merger of IFSC, report shall become available in e-Pradan/ Online PL modules of IFMS to the DDO/ Deposit Account Administrators reflecting the details of both Old and New IFSC for beneficiaries associated with them. Such bulk modification of IFSC by IFMS will not result in any changes in the concerned beneficiary bank account numbers;

vii. In case of any technical issue in IFMS, the matter may be reported to e-Governance Group, Finance Department through IFMS Call logging system and/or email at ifms-wb@gov.in or ifmswb@gmail.com.

This order shall take immediate effect.

Sd/- Dr Manoj Pant
Principal Secretary
to the Government of West Bengal

No. 2237-F dated 02.08.2021, Source