Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
(Audit Branch)
Nabanna, Howrah-711102
Email ID:
No. 5100-F(P1)/FA/O/2M/46/23 (N.B) Dated, Howrah, the 31st August, 2023
The question of further improvement of the benefits of the career advancement scheme introduced vide Memo No. 6075-F dated 21.06.1990, as modified and revised vide Memo No. 3015-F dated 13.03.2001 and Memo No 6042-F(P2) dated 07.11.2019 respectively, was under consideration of the Government for sometime past.
2. After careful consideration of the matter, the Governor has been pleased to decide that for all cases where movement to second and third higher Level is admissible in terms of para 2 or para 3 of the Memo No. 6042-F(P2) dated 07.11.2019, the length of continuous and satisfactory service required for movement to second and third higher Level in relation to the basic Level, as shown in the annexure to the said memorandum, shall be reduced from existing 16 years and 25 years to 15 years and 24 years respectively.
3. All other provisions of Memo No 6042-F(P2) dated 07.11.2019 shall remain unaltered.
4. This will come to effect from 01.08.2023.
Sd/- Dr. Manoj Pant
Additional Chief Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
No. 5100-F dated 31.08.2023, Source
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