
Categorisation of Lift for Installation in Govt. Buildings

Public Works, 👁️ 259

Category-I: Otis, Schindler, Kone. Category-II: Thyssen Krupp, Bharat Elevator Co. Ltd., Engineers Vertical Services, Electromec, United Elevator, Escon, Johnson, Omega, LT Elevator.

Government of West Bengal
Public Works Department
Works Branch
NABANNA, 8th floor, HRBC Building
325, Sarat Chandra Chatterjee Road
P.O.-Shibpur, Howrah-711 102

No. 75-W(C)/1M-20/15 Dated: 03.03.2015


Subject: Categorisation of Lift Manufacturers for installation in Govt. Buildings.

It has been observed that most Govt. Departments and agencies request for installation of quality lifts manufactured by Multi National Companies like Otis, Schindler and Kone.

It has also been observed that the renowned lift manufacturers mentioned above having their regional sales offices in Kolkata give better service during manufacturing and maintenance stage particularly when the lifts are installed in Kolkata and its surroundings. However, their performance is not so good when the lifts are installed in the Districts away from Kolkata. When the lifts manufactured by the said renowned manufacturers are supposed to be installed in the Districts or in a remote place far away from Kolkata, the Engineer Officers posted in the Districts face inordinate delay in dealing with the said lift manufacturers both during tender process and manufacturing stage resulting in delayed start of the projects.

It has also been observed that local lift manufacturers compared to that of the Multi National Companies take lesser time to install a lift as well as for maintenance. The response time of local manufacturers is also faster.

Accordingly, based on the recommendation of the Chief Engineer (Electrical)-I, P.W.Dte. and the existing categorisation of lift manufacturers by CPWD, the Governor has been pleased to categorise the lift as below:

Category-I: Residential Buildings, Hospitals, Prestigious Buildings, Buildings of State Importance and office buildings more than six floors (G+5)

Category-II: Office buildings up to six floors (G+5).

The Governor has been further pleased to approve the following lift manufacturers under Category-I & Category-II:

(I) Category-I:

1) Otis
2) Schindler
3) Kone

(II) Category-II:

1) Thyssen Krupp
2) Bharat Elevator Co. Ltd.
3) Engineers Vertical Services
4) Electromec
5) United Elevator
6) Escon
7) Johnson
8) Omega
9) LT Elevator

The manufacturers approved under Category-I can participate for any work in Category-II Buildings also. The manufacturers approved under Category-II can play any role in installing/ commissioning of such lifts only if the manufacturers approved under Category-I are not available to do so.

The Zonal Chief Engineers (Civil), P.W.Dte. in consultation with the Chief Engineer (Electrical)-I, P.W.Dte. may decide Prestigious Buildings or buildings of State Importance to be clarified under Category-I to invite tenders from manufacturers approved under Category-I.

The makes approved under Category-I can be installed in any building provided the user Department makes such specific request and is willing to bear the extra cost involved over and above the sanctioned provision of the estimate. Recommendation of Consultant, if engaged, to provide lift of a particular make approved under Category-I or Category-II should not be treated as final word unless approved by user Department.

In Category-I granite flooring in lifts should be provided so that the floor need not be changed frequently.

The rough cost estimate for lifts to be installed in various buildings under Category-I and Category-II should be prepared accordingly.

This has concurrence of Finance Department, Group-T vide their U.O. No. Group-T/2014-2015/1084 dated 17.02.2015.

All concerned are being informed.

By order of Governor

Principal Secretary to the
Govt. of West Bengal
Public Works Department

No. 75-W dated 03.03.2015