
Ceiling of Monthly Expenditure i/o Hired Inspection Vehicles of PWD

Public Works,

Governor is pleased to raise/ enhance the ceiling of monthly expenditure for the inspection vehicles used only by the officers of this department as mentioned below.

Government of West Bengal
Public Works Department
Establishment Branch, Khadya Bhawan
11A, Mirza Ghalib Street, Kolkata -700087.

No:- 7332-E/PWD-11053/3/2022-WORKS WING Date: 24.11.2022


  1. Fixation of ceiling for monthly car expenditure is a budgetary control exercise of the department. Due to sharp increase in the prices of fuel & other lubricants over past few years, the necessity for revision of ceilings of expenditure with respect to hired inspection vehicles of PWD was under active consideration of the department for some time past The existing ceilings were last set in the year 2015.
  2. Now after careful consideration of the issue, the Governor is pleased to raise/ enhance the ceiling of monthly expenditure for the inspection vehicles used only by the officers of this department as mentioned below.
Sl. no.Designations of officersCeiling of monthly Expenditure, including hire charges, expenditure on fuel, Mobil etc.
1.Chief Engineer including Director, RBRI and chief Govt. architect under PWD and Equivalent rank.Rs. 45,000/-
2.Superintendent Engineer, including ACE, Superintendent Architect and Joint Secretary under PWD and Equivalent Rank.Rs. 40,000/-
3.Executive Engineer, including Architect, Technical Secretary and Deputy Secretary under PWD and Equivalent Rank.Rs. 35,000/-
4.Asstt. Engineer, Assistant Architect including Asstt. Secretary under PWD and Equivalent Rank.Rs. 30,000/-
  1. Expenditure, including cost of fuel consumption related to all Inspection Vehicles, shall be met out of allotment of fund available under the object head “19-Maintenance” subordinate to the functional Heads of Accounts for revenue expenditure related to works.
  2. This Memorandum is issued in supersession of all such orders pertaining to ceiling of expenditure of vehicles of PWD and this department previous memorandum No. 6836 PWD-11053/3/2022 dated 07.09.2022.

The order shall take immediate effect.

Joint Secretary (Personnel)
to the Government of West Bengal, PWD

No. 7332-E dated 24.11.2022, Source

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