Governor is pleased to raise/ enhance the ceiling of monthly expenditure for the inspection vehicles used only by the officers of this department as mentioned below.
Coupled with increase in cost of Fuel and Lubricants, Water Resources Investigation & Development Department has been contemplating for some time past to review the existing order imposing a ceiling limit for per month per vehicle.
The consumption of fuel shall be restricted to 8 litres per day per vehicle and 5 litres per day per vehicle for operational and non-operational vehicle respectively.
For the Saturdays, Sundays or/and other notified holidays including non-working days in a month, if the vehicles engaged on monthly hiring basis are kept as “Stand-by”, only the daily hiring charges for such days may be paid on the basis of the “Stand by” certificate.
Governor is pleased to delegate the power to the Head of Office for hiring of a new vehicle (Non-AC) as replacement of an existing vehicle.
Divisional Commissioners are authorised to retain the vehicles hired for their establishments for a period not extending one year at a time provided the vehicles in question were initially hired with approval of the Finance Department.
Maximum 10 KM between the garage and the place of reporting or one hour’s hiring charges whichever is convenient to the owner of the vehicle may be allowed.
While issuing sanction orders for retention of hiring of vehicles and allowing hiring of a new vehicle as replacement of existing one in exercise of the powers delegated under this memorandum.