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Child Care Leave for University Employees

Higher Education, 👁️ 211

Interest of the institute should be seen as paramount while considering the grant of Child Care Leave to the concerned employees, duration of the leave and number of spells, etc.


No. 274-ILC/OM-131L/15 Date: 07.12.2016


With reference to the Higher Education Department’s No. 08-ILC/OM-131L/15 dated 13.01.2016 on the subject of Child Care Leave, several representations have been received from the affected employees of some Higher Educational Institutions to the effect that they are unable to avail of the benefit of Child Care Leave due to the fact that some Universities and other Statutory Bodies under this Department have not yet amended their Statutes/ Rules/ Regulations suitably in this regard.

It may be recalled that this Department in its Order No. 08-ILC/OM-131L/15 dated 13.01.2016 have advised the State-aided Universities and other Statutory Bodies under this Department to amend their relevant Statute/ Regulation/ Ordinance and to incorporate the provisions of Child Care Leave in that Statute/ Regulation/ Ordinance, etc. in due course.

Considering the fact that some state-aided Universities/ Statutory Bodies have failed to suitably amend their Statute/ Regulation/ Ordinance for incorporation of the provisions of Child Care Leave, which is causing hardship to the regular whole-time female employees of the Universities/ Statutory Bodies seeking such leave, the Governor is pleased to clarify that the grant of Child Care Leave to the eligible female employees may be effected based on the Department’s Order No. 08-ILC/OM-131L/15 dated 13.01.2016 while the State-aided Universities/ Statutory Bodies take steps to amend the Statute/ Regulation/ Ordinance suitably. Of course, the interest of the institute should be seen as paramount while considering the grant of Child Care Leave to the concerned employees, duration of the leave and number of spells, etc.

By Order of the Governor,

Sd/- Secretary
H. E. Department

No. 274-ILC dated 07.12.2016, Source