West Bengal Govt. Circulars, Notifications, Orders, Clarifications, Memorandum of Finance Department, Govt. of West Bengal published in the year 2001.
Notification | Subject |
11770-F dt. 28.12.2001 | Admissible Non-refundable advance after completion of 15 yearsβ service |
11542-F dt. 20.12.2001 | Clarification of fixation of pay |
23-O&M dt. 04.12.2001 | Summer & Winter Liveries for Group-βDβ |
DT-1910 dt. 27.11.2001 | Submission of Original authority of A.G. not required along with Bill |
10305-F dt. 19.11.2001 | Allotment of DDO. Code to the NGO. |
9775-F dt. 19.10.2001 | Clarification of G.O. No. 3015-F, dt. 13.03.2001 |
4710-F dt. 18.09.2001 | Clarification reg. pay fixation on promotion to the post of Head Clerk |
4705-F dt. 14.09.2001 | Time-limit extended upto 31.12.2001 of Nos. 2707-F & 2708-F dt. 07.09.99 |
4704-F dt. 14.09.2001 | Time-limit extended upto 31.12.2001 of Memo No. 2706-F dt. 07.09.99 |
3723-F dt. 24.08.2001 | Checking of I.P.F. statements by P.I.C. (F.D.) is dispensed |
7196-F dt. 31.07.2001 | Marriage-illness Advance |
2709-F dt. 27.07.2001 | Ceiling for ‘dependent parents’ for family pension raised to Rs. 2600/- p.m. |
6784-F dt. 18.07.2001 | Travel by A/c 1st class admissible to the officer posted in North Bengal |
2431-F dt. 12.07.2001 | Consolidation of pro-rata pension |
2430-F dt. 12.07.2001 | Restoration of 1/3rd commuted portion of pro-rata pension |
2429-F dt. 12.07.2001 | Lump sum amount in lieu of pro-rata pension withdrawn w.e.f. 01.04.2001 |
1023-F dt. 18.05.2001 | Special pay for the purpose of notional revision of pension |
1022-F dt. 18.05.2001 | Interim allowance be revised when revision of pension is done |
3671-F dt. 04.04.2001 | Disbursement of P.F. Moneys to persons on behalf of minor |
3453-F dt. 28.03.2001 | Enhancement of Maternity Leave and Calculation of Half Pay Leave |
3368-F dt. 26.03.2001 | Allowing Loan from Bank |
3274-F dt. 21.03.2001 | Additional Remuneration of Steno Typist/ Bench Clerk-cum-Stenographer |
354-F dt. 15.03.2001 | Requirement of periodical medical certificate under WBS (DCRB) Rules, 71 |
3015-F dt. 13.03.2001 | Career Advancement Scheme for W.B. Govt. Employees |
336-F dt. 07.03.2001 | Pension cases be submitted to Finance Deptt. – New procedure thereof |
335-F dt. 07.03.2001 | Pension cases be submitted to Finance Deptt. – New procedure thereof |
201-F dt. 07.02.2001 | Time-limit extended upto 15.6.2001 of No. 2707-F and 2708-F dt. 07.09.99 |
200-F dt. 07.02.2001 | Time-limit extended upto 15.6.2001 of Memo No. 2706-F dt. 07.09.99 |