
Finance Department – Archive, 2002

West Bengal Govt. Circulars, Notifications, Orders, Clarifications, Memorandum of Finance Department, Govt. of West Bengal published in the year 2002.

10826-F dt. 18.11.2002Clarification of Certain Points
2711-F dt. 30.09.2002Economy measures Instruction
9637-F dt. 26.09.2002Fixation of pay in case of stagnation increment
702-F dt. 23.09.2002Grant of ex-gratia payment to the State Govt. pensioners
9135-F dt. 10.09.2002Performance Appraisal of West Bengal Govt. Employees
8407-F dt. 19.08.2002Purchase of Postal Franking Machine
6801-F dt. 03.07.2002Work charged employees allowed 25 years benefit
6113-F dt. 11.06.2002Delegation of Financial power to Commissioner Internal Audit.
356-F dt. 29.05.2002Creation of post in higher scale – Certificate of ratifying creation of post
281-F dt. 25.04.2002Extension of time for application under No. 2707-F and 2708-F dt. 07.09.99
280-F dt. 25.04.2002Extension of time for Option under Memo. No. 2706-F dt. 07.09.99
2658-F dt. 01.03.2002Representation for Maternity Leave for Adoption of Child
387-F dt. 13.02.2002Rates of Interest of Loans and Advances
6-F dt. 01.01.2002Last pay found on scrutiny, to be in excess due to wrong fixation of pay

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