
College Level Approval Committee for College /Hospital

Finance, Health, 👁️ 204

Health & Family Welfare Deptt. shall constitute a College Level Approval Committee (CLAC) comprising the following for each Medical/ Dental College in the State by notification.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 2895-F(Y) Date: 05.04.2012


In terms of G.O. No. 1880-F dt. 07.03.2007 read with G.O. No. 9144-F(Y) dt. 22.09.2011 of Finance Deptt. each Department has constituted a “Departmental Approval Committee” (DAC) for according administrative approval to Plan projects/ Schemes with project cost not exceeding Rs. 5 crore. Now, the Government feels it necessary to decentralize the function of the DAC to Medical/Dental College level in respect of Health & Family Welfare Department in order to speed up sanction and execution of the essential and urgent Plan Projects Schemes/having low project cost, on constituting a “College Level Approval Committee” – (CLAC) for each Medical/Dental College under the State Government.

As such in addition to existence of the DAC of Health and Family Welfare Department the Governor is pleased to lay down the following procedure for according administrative approval of Plan Projects/Schemes:-

A) Health & Family Welfare Deptt. shall constitute a “College Level Approval Committee” (CLAC) comprising the following for each Medical/Dental College in the State by notification:-

i) Principal/Director of Medical/Dental College – Chairman

ii) Medical Superintendent and Vice Principal of Medical College and Hospital Vice Principal of Dental College – Member

iii) Executive Engineer of the concerned Division or Assistant Engineer of the Concerned Sub-Division of PWD/PW(CB) entrusted with Civil Works – Member

iv) Executive Engineer of the concerned Electrical Division or Assistant Engineer (Electrical) of the concerned Sub-Division of PWD/PW (CB) entrusted with the electrical works – Member

v) Officer of the Finance Deptt. belonging to WBA&AS cadre attached to the Medical College & Hospital – Member

vi) Officer of the Finance Department belonging to WBA&AS cadre Officer attached to Medical College – Convenor

N.B. – In respect of Dental College, officer of Finance Department belonging to WBA&AS cadre attached to nearby Medical College will be the Convenor.

2. All Plan Project/Schemes with individual Project cost not exceeding Rs. 10 lakh for civil works and not exceeding Rs. 5 lakh for Electrical works shall be placed before the CLAC for consideration of the Committee for according administrative approval. Officer of the Finance Deptt. belonging to WBA&AS cadre functioning as Accounts Officer attached to Medical College shall perform the function of the Financial Adviser (FA) of the Committee and in his absence no meeting shall be held.

3. No Project/scheme shall be approved by the CLAC without the consent of the F. A.

4. Where the FA does not give his consent for approval of a particular project/scheme, his disagreement with reasons thereof to be recorded in the proceeding by the Committee.

5. In the event of such disagreement, if the College authority is of the view that the proposal should be pursued, then it should be sent to the Health & Family Welfare Deptt. for consideration by the DAC.

6. This Committee should have the power to accord administrative approval of all Plan Projects/ Schemes both for Original works and Replacement & Renovation works subject to the ceiling limit as stated in para A(2) above.

7. A “Scheme Appraisal Note” should be prepared by the College authority for each scheme to be placed before the Committee specifying therein: Unique identification No. of the scheme, name of works to be done, brief reasons for taking up of work, project cost, name of the executing PWD Division and estimate no., Budget head of a/c in which the scheme is to be executed, total initial Distribution amount, pertaining to the Budget head at the beginning of the year (so communicated by the Health & Family Welfare Deptt. at the beginning of the financial year), total administrative approval accorded so far upto the last meeting from the Budget head out of initial Distribution amount, balance available thereof for according further administrative approval.

8. A statement of projects/schemes accorded administrative approval by CLAC along with a record of proceeding should be sent to the Health & Family Welfare Deptt. in duplicate by the College authority and Health & Family Welfare Deptt. in turn retain one copy and return the other copy along with U.O. No. and date of the Department as concurrence. Thereafter the Principal/Director of the College will issue administrative approval in favour of the Chief Engineer concerned for execution of the scheme.

9. While issuing such order of administrative approval the following sentence should be incorporated:-

“This order issue with the power delegated vide Finance Deptt. Memo No. 2895-F(Y) dt. 05.04.2012 read with the concurrence of Health & Family Welfare Deptt. vide their U.O. No…….. dt ………………

B) Provision of making Distribution of fund to Colleges for according administrative approval by CLAC:-

1. Upto 40% of Budget provision of a particular financial year pertaining to Detail head “53-Major works/Land and Buildings” sub-ordinate to those Plan heads of account (Capital head) only adjudging suitable for taking up of Original/Replacement & Renovation works bv the CLAC should be earmarked by Health & Family Welfare Deptt. for Distribution.

2. College wise Distribution of such fund (not allotment) under the relevant Plan heads of a/c should be intimated to the College authority by 1st week of May of each financial year, so that CLAC can take up scheme/projects for execution round the year and accord administrative approval to the Schemes/Projects out of the fund Distributed to them. The balance amount (rest 60%) of Budget Provision under those Plan heads of a/c Will be retained with Health & Family Welfare Deptt. for according administrative approval by DAC centrally.

C) To accord Financial Sanction by the College authority:-

1. The Governor is also pleased to delegate the power to the Principal/Director of Medical/Dental Colleges to accord financial sanction time to time in respect of those schemes/projects for which administrative approval has already been accorded by the CLAC.

2. Such financial sanction should be given by the Principal/Director on obtaining:-

i) Comparative Statement of Tender from concerned Executive authority of PWD,
ii) Knowing physical percentage of work done or progress of work from the executing authority of PWD.

3. Accord Sanction of fund in favour of the Concerned Chief Engineer out of fund allotted to the Principal/Director’ of the College by the Health & Family Welfare Deptt. and also to place the sanctioned amount to Chief Engineer concerned in order to enable him to issue L.O.C. in favour of the concerned Executive Engineer of the Division for payment.

4. Principal Secretary of Health & Family Welfare Deptt. shall allot fond time to time in favour of the Principal/Director of Colleges in terms of Finance (Budget) Deptt’s delegation to him regarding release of fund, so are being issued in each quarter of a particular financial year by the Finance (Budget) Deptt.

D) General aspect:-

1) Prior intimation regarding Distribution of fund to college authority is mandatory before taking up of administrative approval by CLAC.

2) Distribution of fund under the particular Plan head should be limited upto 40% of Budget provision for all the Colleges together.

3) Distribution of fond is to be made judging the requirement at College & Hospital level.

4) Distribution of fond within the above limit can be changed in a financial year taking into view of the Administrative Approval already been given by the respective CLACs.

5) Proper training to be given:

i) for preparation of appraisal note of the scheme for CLAC meeting.
ii) Writing of proceedings to accord administrative approval under the relevant Plan head of a/c by CLAC,
iii) issuance of administrative approval & financial sanction by CLAC.

6) For each scheme/project a Unique Identification no. is to be assigned by the College Authority pertaining to a particular type of works (either civil or electrical). Health & Family Welfare Deptt. should generate alpha-numeric Unique Identification Code for each College & intimate the same to the College Authority. Such Identification no. is to be noted in Scheme Appraisal Note, the record of proceedings, Statement of Projects/Schemes after approval by CLAC, in the order – of Administrative approval/financial sanction.

7) Model of draft proceedings, draft administrative approval & draft financial sanction are to prepared & circulated by the Health & Family Welfare Deptt. so that all College authorities follow the same pattern.

8) One particular officer preferably convener of CLAC be assigned to deal with the entire matter. All the works to be done through computers as repetition is involved in such work and also to speed up work at College authorities level.

This order will take into effect immediately.

Necessary amendments to the Delegation of Financial Power Rules will be made in due course.

Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Secretary, Finance Department

No. 2895-F dated 05.04.2012, Source

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