
Conditional Certificate of Fitness to Ensure Installation of VLTD

Transport, 👁️ 288

Governor is also pleased to order that the Registering Authority issuing such conditional Certificate of Fitness will maintain record and ensure installation of VLTD or suspension of such conditional certificate of fitness.

Government of West Bengal
Transport Department
Paribahan Bhavan
12, R. N. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata – 700001

No. 864-WT/TPT-18011/110/2022 Kolkata, the 6th March 2023


Whereas, dateline regarding installation of Vehicle Location Tracking Device (VLTD) in Transport Vehicles was notified by this Department under No. 4267-WT/TRD-14011/5/2022 dated 14-11-2022; and

Whereas, the empanelment of manufacturers of VLTD with Transport Directorate is continuing; and

Whereas, it is also learnt that some manufacturers of VLTD could not produce their product for audit/ on road trial; and

Whereas it has also been informed by the transporters that from 01-12-2022 issuance of Fitness Certificate, Change of Address of Transport Vehicles will not be possible in terms of the Notification No. 4267-WT/TRD-14011/5/2022 dated 14-11-2022; and

Whereas, a few concessions were allowed vide Notification No. 4530-WT/TRD-14011/5/2022 Dt. 30-11-2022; and

Whereas it is felt necessary to re-visit Notification No. 4267-WT/TRD-14011/5/2022 dated 14-11-2022 & Notification No. 4530-WT/TRD-14011/5/2022 Dt. 30-11-2022;

Now, therefore, after careful consideration and in partial modification of the Notification No. 4530-WT/TRD-14011/5/2022 Dt. 30-11-2022, the Governor is pleased to order that the transport vehicles, certificate of fitness of which are going to be expired within 31st May 2023 and who could not install appropriate VLTD in the respective vehicles, will be allowed to obtain certificate of fitness (if other parameters are found in order) subject to submission of a declaration on plain paper with supporting identity proof by the registered owners indemnifying themselves to complete the VLTD installation process by 31-05-2023 in the prescribed format annexed in Notification No. 4530-WT, suitably modified; otherwise the certificate of fitness issued under this condition will be suspended under Subsection 4 of Section 56 of MV Act 1988. Such suspension of conditional certificate of fitness will be revoked only after realization of Additional Fees under Rule 81 of CMV Rule 1989 @ Rs. 50/- per day from the date of issue of conditional CF till date of fitment of VLTD. This extended date will be equally applicable for the vehicles for which Certificate of Fitness has already been issued with supporting declaration.

The Governor is also pleased to order that the Registering Authority issuing such conditional Certificate of Fitness will maintain record and ensure installation of VLTD or suspension of such conditional certificate of fitness.

This order will take effect from 01-03-2023 and remain effective till 31.05.2023.

By order of the Governor

Sd/- Prasenjit Hans
Special Secretary

No. 864-WT dated 06.03.2023, Source

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