Condonation of Delay for Indoor Treatment Claim
Authority may condone the cases related to delay in preferring of indoor treatment claim beyond 3 months but within 1 year from the date of discharge on reasonable ground.
Authority may condone the cases related to delay in preferring of indoor treatment claim beyond 3 months but within 1 year from the date of discharge on reasonable ground.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Medical Cell
No. 1040-F (MED) WB FA/MED/0/2M-958/2016 Date. 01/12/2016
Government Employees/ Government Pensioner is required to submit reimbursement claim indoor for medical treatment claim in WBHS, 2008 now called as West Bengal Health For All Employees and Pensioners Cashless Medical Treatment Scheme, 2014 within three months from the date of discharge as per FD Memo No. 2618-F(Med) dt 05.04.2011. In case of delay in preferring reimbursement claim for indoor treatment by the Government Employee/ Pensioner including Family Pensioner beyond three months from the date of discharge different administrative departments have been sending proposal to West Bengal Health Scheme Authority in Medical Cell under the Finance Department for condonation of delay in preferring claim which causes undue delay in settlement of such claim.
2. Therefore, the Governor is now pleased to order that concerned Head of the Administrative Department of Government Employee/ Government Pensioner including Family Pensioner may condone the cases related to delay in preferring of indoor treatment claim beyond three months but within one year from the date of discharge on reasonable ground.
3. But for condonation of delay in preferring reimbursement claim for indoor treatment after one year from the date of discharge and OPD treatment beyond three months from the date of each consultation of OPD treatment and three months from the date of purchase of medicines, etc (for continuous OPD treatment) and six months from the date of purchase of medicines prescribed by the hospitals located outside the state as stipulated in FD Memo No. 2857-F(Med) Dt 08.04.2013 may be sent to West Bengal Health Scheme Authority in Medical Cell under Finance Department for condonation of delay in preferring such claim through administrative department.
By order of the Governor,
Sd/- H K Dwivedi, IAS
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
No. 1040-F dated 01.12.2016, Source
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