Constitution of Safety Cell under PWD for ensuring continuous maintenance and services of major government buildings including auditoriums, stadiums, hospitals etc.
Government of West Bengal Public Works Department Establishment Branch
No. 01 Dated: 08.01.2016
The Governor is pleased, in the interest of Public Service, to constitute the Safety Cell under PWD for ensuring continuous maintenance and services of major government buildings including auditoriums, stadiums, hospitals etc. with the following personnel with immediate effect:-
i. Engineer-in- Chief & E.O. Secretary, P.W. Department
ii. One retired officer from the Department of Fire & Emergency Services, not below the rank of Director, Fire & Emergency Services.
iii. One expert in the field of Refrigeration & Air-conditioning preferably a retired officer of CPWD, Electrical Wing or an Officer who has worked in one of the premier Air-conditioning companies of India.
2. a) The officials of Safety Cell would visit different government buildings for fire safety audit of the buildings. Such visit will be either planned in advance or surprise visit.
b) The officials of the Safety Cell would give a report on the actions to be taken both in short and long term for every building.
c) On receipt of the report on the action to be taken, the Civil and Electrical Wing under PWD would implement the same.
3. The officials of Safety Cell would be provided with necessary office accommodation, transport and other infrastructure as would be required for smooth functioning of the said Cell by the P.W. Department.
4. This issues in pursuance of the direction of the Hon’ble Chief Minister, West Bengal read with the approval of the Hon’ble Minister-in-Charge of this Department.