Higher Education, CWTT đī¸ 888
Service rules and provisions applicable for Contractual whole time teachers (CWTTs) of State Aided non-Government colleges provided they possess qualification of such posts.
Government of West Bengal
Department of Higher Education
(C.S. Branch)
Bikash Bhavan, Salt lake, Kolkata-700091
No. 952-Edn(CS)/10M-31/10 Dated, Kolkata, the 9th December, 2010
In congruence with the general policy of the government of West Bengal, the undersigned is directed by the order of the Governor to say that following provisions will be applicable in respect of the Contractual whole time teachers (CWTTs) of the State Aided non-Government colleges provided they possess qualification of such posts w.e.f. 01/01/2011.
1. Existing CWTTs serving in a particular department in a State Aided non-Govt. colleges, duly engaged through a selection process (as per norms of affiliating University) will continue to remain engaged in the concerned college till they attain 60 years of age. Departments/ Courses run on self-financing basis are not included in this scheme.
2. The number of CWTTs in the department brought under the above noted scheme of the Govt. should be as per the existing Govt. norms of permissible maximum no. of substantive posts of full- time teachers in a particular subject (e.g. present 4/5/6/7 norm for different non-lab & lab-based subjects) applicable for State Aided non-Govt colleges.
3. Notional vacancies are to be created to accommodate serving CWTTs and these posts would be treated as personal & supernumerary ones. The number of such notional vacancies are to be decided on the basis of requisition from the colleges [mentioning the names of persons engaged & other details duly authenticated by the college authority as mentioned below].
4. List of necessary documents to be submitted (attested by The Principal/ Teacher-in-Charge) in case of Govt. aided college:
II. Attested photocopy of letter of recommendation from the affiliating university for the extension of the subject concerned for which CWTTs are appointed.
III. Attested photocopy of advertisement in two leading newspapers.
IV. Attested photocopy of the letter from the affiliated University nominating the subject expert for the selection committee.
V. Attested photocopy of the merit wise panel showing position of the incumbent supported by the signature of the members of the selection committee
VI. Attested photocopy of the mark-sheets and testimonials pertaining to the incumbent’s academic attainment
5. No Contractual whole time teacher shall be engaged without prior written permission from the State Govt. w.e.f. the date of issuance of the order.
6. In case of Contractual Whole Time Teachers the admissible remuneration per month will be Rs. 21,400/- (Consolidated) w.e.f. 01/01/2011 irrespective of their length of engagement in concerned college.
7. No other allowances will be admissible to the CWTTs except an increase of 5% of the admissible consolidated remuneration at an interval of three(3) years subject to approval from H.E. Dept.
8. The college authority may allot atleast 24 classes/ periods per week to each CWTTs and other academic assignments including University and college examination.
9. The entire quantum of emoluments (as declared by the Govt.) will be paid by the state Govt. duly as being approved by the Govt. in favour of each contractual whole time teacher following the extant methods of releasing the salary of teaching and non-teaching staff in Govt. aided college.
10. The CWTTs are not entitled to any other engagement as part time teacher anywhere.
11. CWTTs are entitled to avail of 14 days casual leave in a calendar year, 1/2 average remuneration leave up to 20 days in a complete year on production of medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner and maternity leave as admissible under Government rules.
12. Each CWTT would be entitled to get a Gratuity of Rupee one Lakh only, once in life time, when he/she attains the age of 60 years as CWTT, provided that period of engagement in the concerned college is not less than 10 years.
Service Related Matters:
13. During the period of engagement the service of such CWTTs may be terminated because of involvement in criminal case/ misconduct/ delinquency/ incapacitation and other culpable offence as may be framed from time to time by the competent authority.
This order issues with the concurrence of the Finance Department, vide their U.O. No. 4134 (Gr. P Service) Dated 08/12/2010.
Yours faithfully
Sd/- M. Chakravarty
Jt. Secretary
C.S. Branch
Department of Higher Education
Government of West Bengal