DA and HRA to directly appointed to Group ‘C’ Employees
Finance, Dearness Allowance , HRA 👁️ 550
Governor has been pleased to decide to allow admissible DA and HRA with effect from 01.07.2017 to the employees directly appointed to Group ‘C’ posts.
Finance, Dearness Allowance , HRA 👁️ 550
Governor has been pleased to decide to allow admissible DA and HRA with effect from 01.07.2017 to the employees directly appointed to Group ‘C’ posts.
Finance [Audit] Department, 10th floor
Mandirtala, Howrah – 711 102
No. 6712-F(P2)/FA/O/2M/13/17[NB] Dated: 06.11.2017.
In terms of rule 8 of the West Bengal Services [Appointment, Probation and Absorption of Group ‘C’ Employees] Rule, 2013 published vide Notification No. 1832-F[P], dated 1.3.2013 and its subsequent amendments, the employees directly appointed to Group ‘C’ posts under the Government are not entitled to draw Dearness Allowance [DA] and House Rent Allowance [HRA] during the period of probation of two years. The question of allowing DA and HRA to such employees had been under consideration of the Government for some time past.
After careful consideration, the undersigned is directed by order of the Governor to say that the Governor has been pleased to decide to allow admissible DA and HRA with effect from 01.07.2017 to the employees directly appointed to Group ‘C’ posts through any recruiting agency even if they have not completed their period of probation of two years. They will, however, not be entitled to draw annual increment beyond the period of probation or during the extended period of probation in case they fail to pass the departmental examination on Computer operation and Computer typing where passing of such examination is a precondition for earning annual increment.
Necessary amendments in the relevant rules will be made in due course.
Sd/- D.K. Mahapatra
OSD & E.O. Special Secretary
Government of West Bengal
No. 6712-F dated 06.11.2017, Source
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