
DDOs can Deposit and Withdraw Old and New Currencies


8658-Suspense Account-00-102-Suspense Account-Civil-040-Remittance of Specified Bank Notes-Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 since Demonetised-20-Receipt/ Adjustment.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Budget Branch
Nabanna, Howrah

No. 1144-FB Dated: 23rd November, 2016


The Govt. of India has since notified that Rs. 500/- and Rs. 1,000/- notes shall cease to be legal tender w.e.f 09/11/2016. The DDOs of this State may hold such currencies as Permanent Advance and undisbursed cash.

In such circumstances, I am directed by the order of the Governor to open the following two Heads of Account in the Public Account for depositing the demonetised notes and subsequent withdrawal of new legal tender money –

In the receipt side (for depositing the demonetised notes):

8658 – Suspense Account – 00 – 102 – Suspense Account – Civil – 040 -Remittance of Specified Bank Notes – Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 since Demonetised – 20 – Receipt/ Adjustment

In the expenditure side (for withdrawal of new currency notes):

8658 – Suspense Account – 00 – 102 – Suspense Account – Civil – 040 -Remittance of Specified Bank Notes – Rs 500 and Rs 1000 since Demonetised – 21 – Payment/ Adjustment.

The office of the Comptroller General of Accounts, Min. of Finance, Deptt.of Expenditure, GOI has also issued an order in this respect vide F.No. 3(2)/TA/ Cash Remittance/2016/585 dated 10/ 11/2016.

This has approval of Accountant General (A & E), West Bengal, Indian Audit & Accounts Department vide No. A.M.-I/3-37/XV/721 dated 23/11/2016 and Finance (Budget) Department vide U. O. No. 2257 dated 23/11/2016.

Sd/- P. Yadav
Secretary to the Government of West Bengal
Finance Department

No. 1144-FB dated 23.11.2016, Source