
Dearness Allowance to Employees of Universities wef Jan, 2015

Higher Education, 👁ī¸ 264

Grant of Dearness Allowance to the Teachers and Non-Teaching Employees of the State-Aided Universities in West Bengal including West Bengal University of Technology and Netaji Subhas Open University.

Government of West Bengal
Department of Higher Education
University Branch
Bikash Bhavan, Bidhannagar, Kolkata -700 091.

No. 44(17)-Edn(U)/N71U-01/14 Date: 20.01.2015

From: Shri P. K. Das
Assistant Secretary to the Government of West Bengal.

To: The Registrar
…………………. University

Sub: Grant of Dearness Allowance to the Teachers and Non-Teaching Employees of the State-Aided Universities in West Bengal including West Bengal University of Technology and Netaji Subhas Open University.

1. The undersigned is directed by order of the Governor to state that the Governor has been pleased to decide that the whole-time employees of the State-aided Universities, under the administrative jurisdiction of this department drawing Basic Pay (Band Pay + Grade Pay + NPA if any) up to Rs 80,000 – shall draw Dearness Allowance @65% with effect from 1st January, 2015. The calculation of Dearness Allowance shall be made taking into account the Band Pay, Grade Pay & NPA, if any, but shall not include any other types of Pay.

2. The rate of Dearness Allowance to the Teachers and Non-Teaching Employees of State-aided universities who are drawing their pay in the pre-revised scale of pay shall also be enhanced from the existing rate of 127% to 139% with effect from the 1st January, 2015. All other conditions as laid down in Finance Department Order No. 10902-F(P), Dt. 09/12/2009 will continue to apply.

3. The benefit will not apply to those who are in receipt of variable DA based on the movement of consumer price index. It has also been decided that in case of Public Undertakings Statutory bodies, the additional expenditure should be borne by such undertakings/statutory bodies themselves out of their own resources or out of financial assistance provided for them in the budget and that no additional financial assistance will be given to them on account of sanction of DA.

4. The Dearness Allowance sanctioned herein above shall be rounded off to nearest rupee in each case.

5. (a) The charge will be met from the provision under the Head of Account “2202-General Education-03-University & Other Higher Education-102-Assistance to Universities-NP-001 to 007 & 012 to 021-V-31-Grants-in-Aid-01-Salary Grants” in respect of State-aided Universities.

(b) The charge will be met in respect of the employees (teaching and non-teaching) of Netaji Subhas Open University from the provision under the relevant Head of Account, “2202-03-102-Assistance to Universities-NP-013-Establishment of Open University-31-Grants-in-Aid-01-Salary Grant”.

6. The Governor has also been pleased to decide that for daily rated workers (if any) under the State-aided Universities. West Bengal University of Technology, and Netaji Subhas Open University whose wages are not regulated by any statutory provisions like the Minimum Wages Act. there will be a further ad-hoc increase in their existing daily rate of wages by Rs. 15/- (Rupees fifteen) only with effect from 01.01.2015.

7. This order issues in terms of Finance Department’s Order No. 144-F(P2), dt-09.01.2015 read with F.D. Memo. No. 143-F(P 2), Dt. 09.01.2015 & No. 145-F(P2), Dt. 09.01.2015.

8. All concerned are being informed.

Sd/- Assistant Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal.

No. 44-Edn dated 20.01.2015

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