
Declaration of HRA of Teaching/ Non-Teaching Employees

School Education,

The HM/TIC of all school concerned will take necessary steps to collect the salary certificate including HRA from their concerned employee in the case where husband and wife both work in the organisation mentioned above.

Govt. of West Bengal
New Administrative Building (5th Floor), Alipore, Kol-27

Memo No. 1828/Gen Date: 01.10.13


According to ROPA-2009, the ceiling of HRA drawn by Husband and Wife (together) where both are teaching/non-teaching employees or one of them is a teaching/non-teaching employees of an approved non-Govt./approved educational institutions including libraries and employees of District Primary Educational Council and other spouse is an employees of a State Govt./Central Govt./Public undertakings/Local Bodies etc. raised to Rs. 6000/- per month [Ref. G.O. No. 538-SE(B), dt. 24.10.2007 and G.O. No. 46-SE(B), dt. 27.02.2009].

Besides this in terms of G.O. vide memo no. 5839-F(P) dt. 09.07.2012, the Govt. has extended it to the concerned employee whose spouse is working in a private organisation.

So, the School Authority (including Madrasah) is asked to follow the following instructions:-

i) The HM/TIC of all school concerned will take necessary steps to collect the salary certificate including HRA from their concerned employee in the case where husband and wife both work in the organisation mentioned above.

ii) The HM/TIC will submit the declaration received from the concerned employee regarding HRA along with monthly salary requisition to this office.

iii) If the spouse of the employee does not indulge in work in the above mentioned organisation, the employee should have also certify that.

N.B.- In case of any suppression of fact, the School Authority and the concerned employee will be liable for that and disciplinary action will be taken against them.

District Inspector of Schools (S.E.)
South 24 Parganas

No. 1828/Gen dated 01.10.2013